Peter Grasch bedahr@identi.ca
C++ / Qt / KDE developer and Linux fan currently working on the open source speech recognition suite simon.
2013-02-08T14:02:22+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
2.5GHz i5, 16GB RAM and an X25 SSD. Still too slow for experimenting with speech models -.- #Simon2013-02-04T10:00:02+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
#Simon master is now at 0.5; If you build Simon from source, make sure you check out the 0.4 branch if you want a stable version.2012-12-31T14:09:17+00:00 in Ruckerlberg, Austria To: Public
Simon 0.4.0 is out. Go check it out: http://ur1.ca/cd4x6 #simonLydia Pintscher, Lydia Pintscher shared this.
2012-12-28T21:34:54+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Just tagged Simon 0.4.0 :)2012-09-22T14:02:24+00:00 in Randa, Valais, Switzerland To: Public
Currently hacking on Simons context layer in the Swiss Alps. Thanks to everyone who made that possible: http://goo.gl/g1EGY2012-08-16T11:04:36+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
This years Randa sprint needs your help! Please consider to help out the a11y, plasma, edu and multimedia teams: http://goo.gl/tJDZJ !KDE2012-06-12T09:12:51+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
I'll be giving a talk at Akademy 2012 about a11y in practice. See you there! http://goo.gl/FyOHk2012-05-01T19:18:17+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Promised blog update 1 / 2: Simons Usability improvements for 0.4: http://ur1.ca/95cx5Lydia Pintscher, Lydia Pintscher shared this.
2012-04-30T16:12:07+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
I just pushed a major refactor of both Simons UI and the way Simond manages speech models. I'll blog about it soon.Lydia Pintscher, Lydia Pintscher shared this.
2012-04-10T18:33:09+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Just noticed that Simons HTK model manager has a @date tag from January, 2006. God, I'm getting old...2012-04-09T09:25:47+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Simon moved to KDE. Read the story on the dot: http://ur1.ca/8ykx22011-09-16T07:49:48+00:00 To: Public
New kid on the block: simone. More infos soon...2011-08-26T09:09:10+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Just received my very own N950 to port simon to it. For now it's sitting next to me - charging... Can't wait to try it out!2011-08-25T09:54:27+00:00 To: Public
Looks like Nokia will lend me an N950 to port simon to it. Can't wait to play with it!2011-08-24T09:57:10+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Just found out that simon has been named the Qt Ambassador project of the week! http://bit.ly/mWVVj5 Awesome!2011-04-15T08:47:58+00:00 To: Public
Working on simons new sound backend... DirectSound is just plain awful..2011-04-06T07:47:45+00:00 To: Public
Two #simon #gsoc ideas still available for interested students: http://bit.ly/fLxE0K http://bit.ly/fjKELh2011-03-30T10:51:05+00:00 in Graz, Austria To: Public
Google Summer of Code: Interested in simon and speech recognition? Now is the time to get involved! http://tinyurl.com/simongsoc #gsoc2011-03-09T08:25:22+00:00 To: Public
New simon utility: "afaras" (automatically find and remove amiss samples)2011-03-05T12:52:56+00:00 To: Public
Writing this with simon and dasher