Branchable branchable@identi.ca
Branchable provides web hosting using Ikiwiki and Git. This account is for important out-of-band announcements.
2013-05-20T15:39:36+00:00 To: Public
we're back on line2013-05-20T15:27:12+00:00 To: Public
We've taken Branchable down to migrate to new hardware. Should be back in approximately 10 minutes.2011-11-26T20:29:59+00:00 To: Public
We've finished our move.2011-11-26T18:17:50+00:00 To: Public
Our move to a new server is taking a bit longer than expected. We hadn't quite realized how many sites we host and how much data they have.2011-11-26T16:36:38+00:00 To: Public
Moving day starts in 20 minutes. Your sites will remain up during the move, but in a read-only mode.2011-11-22T18:34:15+00:00 To: Public
We'll be briefly offline this Saturday while moving. http://ur1.ca/5zxwg2011-01-22T15:06:14+00:00 in Due West, South Carolina, United States To: Public
upgrading ikiwiki now to fix a relatively minor XSS security hole (CVE-2011-0428)2010-12-15T20:11:27+00:00 To: Public
Our ISP was DoS'd yesterday, and we were down briefly. Now all is well. http://www.branchable.com/news/2010-12-14-outage/