Ethical Pets ethicalpets@identi.ca
Uk, Russia
Pet Products that are Recycled, Veg*n, Non-Tested, Non-Toxic, Organic, High-Welfare, Fair Trade, UK-Made, Low Carbon & Sustainable!
2013-06-14T10:27:31+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
Reading the Windows terms of service - its horrific! The legal equivalent of Saw 3! #tosdrGuido Arnold likes this.
Document Freedom Day shared by Ethical Pets at 2013-03-18T17:34:21+00:00 via web To: Public
to the kids at Chemnitzer Linuxtage: Thank you very much for this wonderful #DFD #dove #CLT13 #fsfe awesome! http://ur1.ca/d2x76Ethical Pets, Ethical Pets, 3rik, 3rik shared this.
Document Freedom Day shared by Ethical Pets at 2013-03-18T17:34:21+00:00 via web To: Public
to the kids at Chemnitzer Linuxtage: Thank you very much for this wonderful #DFD #dove #CLT13 #fsfe awesome! http://ur1.ca/d2x76Ethical Pets, Ethical Pets, 3rik, 3rik shared this.
Document Freedom Day shared by Ethical Pets at 2013-03-18T17:34:00+00:00 via web To: Public
and another thank you for #dfd #dove, this time to #open #office enlightening! #fsfe #CLT13 http://ur1.ca/d2xr0Gustavo Vega likes this.
Ethical Pets, Ethical Pets, 3rik, 3rik shared this.
Document Freedom Day shared by Ethical Pets at 2013-03-18T17:34:00+00:00 via web To: Public
and another thank you for #dfd #dove, this time to #open #office enlightening! #fsfe #CLT13 http://ur1.ca/d2xr0Gustavo Vega likes this.
Ethical Pets, Ethical Pets, 3rik, 3rik shared this.
2012-12-24T15:58:56+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
Blender used to make augmented reality TARDIS thats really bigger on the inside http://identi.ca/url/74648068 #freesoftware2012-12-24T13:57:34+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
imogen heap releases album with choice of free formats http://identi.ca/url/746469132012-10-03T09:22:42+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
http://identi.ca/url/73779552 - life size coop town being built for coop exibition2012-10-02T12:01:52+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
Just asked wiley publishers if they would let me see a journal article re: animal domestication for free and they LAUGHED at me #openscience2012-09-17T09:32:21+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
edd sheeran is glad people download his music "illegally" http://identi.ca/url/735909382012-09-01T13:01:06+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
EMF camp on the beeb http://identi.ca/url/73401136 - showcaseing hacker culture whooo!2012-08-22T09:29:07+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
Internet of building? Building of things? Internet of things in a building with mood swings! goo.gl/OcY722012-08-16T08:40:40+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
NEWSFLASH - HRMC release photos of WANTED tax avoiders. Here's the link from the BBC http://identi.ca/url/731907942012-08-15T14:18:09+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
as flash is pulled from the Google play store "The BBC is working with Adobe on an alternative video player for Android" #usehtml5dumbass@ethicalpets Talk about taking the wrong approach! I'm still confused why the BBC (out of all the UK broadcasters) loves DRM.2012-08-13T20:50:11+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
NEWS FLASH: the phone coop to "rebrand" as part of The Cooperative ltdtwitter followers?
2012-08-04T13:07:38+00:00 via web To: mustard, Public
2012-05-03T13:00:56+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
testingtesting http://identi.ca/url/694306602012-04-25T21:59:15+00:00 in Uk, Irkutskaya Oblast’, Russia via web To: Public
my FSFE blog about day 2 of #! http://identi.ca/url/69219269 #crunchbang - not looking good folks!Free Software Foundation Europe shared by Ethical Pets at 2012-04-25T09:22:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Summit Meeting of experts calls upon #UK #Government to deliver on #Open #Standards: http://ur1.ca/93dca !fs !fsfe !gnu #fsfeEthical Pets, Ethical Pets, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), 3rik and 5 others shared this.
Free Software Foundation Europe shared by Ethical Pets at 2012-04-25T09:22:29+00:00 via web To: Public
Summit Meeting of experts calls upon #UK #Government to deliver on #Open #Standards: http://ur1.ca/93dca !fs !fsfe !gnu #fsfeEthical Pets, Ethical Pets, grmpyoldman (Tysk Gamlingen), 3rik and 5 others shared this.