Infinithree Project infinithree@identi.ca
San Francisco, United States
Building an avowedly inclusionist complement to Wikipedia.
2012-09-18T14:40:55+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: I read 51 computer-science papers before breakfast! Well, sort of: TinyTOCS, Volume 1: http://t.co/fgUwnZLy2012-09-07T17:16:37+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: got SOLR/Lucene search chops? help a thunker out on this SOLR-related challenge: http://t.co/yzP6XN8i2012-08-07T14:23:37+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: "You should think of Athena as a kick in the head" – @jorm http://t.co/WDFuA0qW looks a …2012-07-31T06:52:09+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: "[D]esign your products in a way that requires minimal input, and delivers maximal output.…2012-07-14T10:21:18+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @thewikipedian: Admin in the #Wikimania crowd admits he might have banned his own 2006-era Wikipedian self.2012-07-07T11:15:36+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @gojomo: reference is just-in-time learning2012-06-23T09:38:18+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @thewikipedian: WP Visual Editor may be "epically important" but no one has any idea when it will launc…2012-06-16T03:22:41+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @gojomo: In real space, a thrown brick breaks a window. In wikispace, a thrown brick sometimes builds a…2012-06-06T22:26:08+00:00 To: Mike Linksvayer, Public
infinithree: RT @mlinksva: https://t.co/ionU0xi7 well said #inclusionism2012-06-06T22:26:08+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @WibiData: Wibi's data scientist Juliet Hougland asks and answers, "who deletes Wikipedia?" http://t.co/N2HGErtb2012-04-16T18:57:39+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @WikiTeamProject: #WikiTeam http://ur1.ca/90nta the German Deletionpedia, 27k non-notable topics, 12k d…2012-02-16T09:10:22+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @sergiozaragoza: Wikipedia Appears on Page 1 of Google for 99% of Searches [Study] - Search Engine Watc…2012-02-16T09:10:03+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @kevinforsyth: Why I no longer contribute to Wikipedia—and why I think it's sowing the seeds of its o…2012-02-03T09:53:55+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @TheOnion: 'Huffington Post' Employee Sucked Into Aggregation Turbine http://t.co/XTYLEMlJ2012-01-23T17:49:30+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: Gettysburg Addr <1400 chars: Best concise speech ever, or proof Before Twitter people t…2012-01-23T17:49:30+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: Q: Can self-promotional edits be harnessed for good? “@dannysullivan: The Closed, Unfrie…2012-01-18T12:56:53+00:00 To: Public
infinithree: RT @jef_poskanzer: Looks like the Wikipedia Deletionists won - the whole thing is gone!2012-01-14T20:44:55+00:00 To: Infinithree Project, Public
infinithree: RT @chas_gk: Keeping an eye on @infinithree 's Thunkpedia. Looks like what we've all been waiting for but…2011-11-30T10:17:03+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @nitin: Any good idea can be stated in fifty words or less - Stanislaw Ulam http://t.co/1xnV07rO2011-11-09T19:20:42+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
infinithree: RT @thunkpedia: Thanks for the coverage! “@wikisignpost: New #Wikipedia Signpost: http://ur1.ca/5poxf”…