Korbe Chonbro korbe@identi.ca
Geneva, Switzerland
Logiciel Libre, culture Libre, la Liberté... XD Mais aussi la bière, les geekeries, le tir à l'arc... Pour le reste, c'est sur demande.
GNOME shared by Korbe Chonbro at 2013-01-25T13:18:43+00:00 via Gwibber To: Public
GNOME 3.7 at the halfway mark - http://ur1.ca/cm40uGNOME shared by Korbe Chonbro at 2013-01-25T13:18:43+00:00 To: Public
GNOME 3.7 at the halfway mark - http://ur1.ca/cm40u2013-01-25T13:03:42+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
Présentation de la v3 de Dogmazic: http://ur1.ca/cjz3h Enfin un projet pour la musique libre à la hauteur. #Dogmazic #MusicLibre2012-07-10T17:11:40+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-07-10T17:10:26+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-07-03T17:03:35+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-07-03T17:02:37+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
Banking Sector Suffers From Patents Too, Goldman Sachs Getting Well Armed With Patents http://ur1.ca/9pt0q #Patent2012-07-03T17:01:59+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-07-03T16:58:28+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
#FREEBASSEL Lettre de soutien au syrien Bassel Khartabil http://ur1.ca/9pt5m2012-06-27T20:56:57+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-06-19T12:05:43+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
De nouvelles fonctionnalités acceptées pour Fedora 18: http://ur1.ca/9j266 avec un successeur à YUM: http://ur1.ca/9j26l #F18Romain BERTHAUD shared by Korbe Chonbro at 2012-06-04T09:09:27+00:00 To: Public
Korbe Chonbro, Korbe Chonbro, ®om, ®om shared this.
Romain BERTHAUD shared by Korbe Chonbro at 2012-06-04T09:09:27+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Korbe Chonbro, Korbe Chonbro, ®om, ®om shared this.
2012-03-19T12:52:16+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
Quand Sylvie Forbin (Vivendi) dénonce les réseaux opaques et organisés http://ur1.ca/8qbxi #PCI #Lobbies #Forbin2012-03-17T10:13:57+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
tragedy of the commons, tragedy of the commons shared this.
2012-03-16T10:48:31+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
Linux présent dans plus de 2 entreprises sur 10 en France http://ur1.ca/8oxxa #Numerama #LogicielLibre #France2012-03-16T10:33:07+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-03-16T16:38:54+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
2012-03-16T15:27:42+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
La réalité derrière la propriété intellectuelle: Pour le bien de qqes riches, détruisons le bien commun et la création collaborative.2012-03-16T15:24:16+00:00 in Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland To: Public
France Brevets signe avec l'INRIA. Mauvaise nouvelle pour le logiciel libre ? http://ur1.ca/8p667 #Numerama #BrevetLogiciel #France