2013-07-07T21:39:02+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
China is broke. Using china as propaganda. #humour http://ur1.ca/ek8g22013-06-29T20:01:39+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
Advertising leads to more bus benches. What's wrong with this? Many things. #humour http://ur1.ca/eh9zgHilton Garcia Fernandes likes this.
Hilton Garcia Fernandes shared this.
2013-06-22T21:05:03+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
2013-06-21T04:32:12+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
laurelrusswurm shared this.
2013-06-15T23:57:00+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
2013-06-07T20:44:33+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
Sex symbols? Ha! Real vampires have unkempt hair. #humour http://ur1.ca/e8c9klaurelrusswurm shared this.
2013-06-01T20:52:23+00:00 in Canada via web To: Public
Every time politicians hear legalization of marijuana they hear the legalization part, just not the rest. #humour http://ur1.ca/e55lv2013-05-26T00:41:57+00:00 in Canada To: a(n) person, Public
With Earth all 'firsted' out, it's inevitable that mountain climbers will move into space. #humour !space http://ur1.ca/e1jqj2013-05-18T16:38:26+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Has excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere gotten some plants drunk? #humour http://ur1.ca/dx3yb2013-05-12T01:34:48+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Neil Armstrong and Jon Anderson (of Yes) both misspoke in 1969 and 1970. Is there a connection. #humour http://ur1.ca/dt7jv2013-05-04T23:44:44+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Does Dentyne somehow have magical properties? #humour Ad analysis. http://ur1.ca/dopv12013-04-27T20:28:40+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Have you heard of the space elevator? How about the space yoyo? #humour http://ur1.ca/dkf5e2013-04-20T19:28:28+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Oh, to do the '80s over. "Pieing Lou Ferrigno". #humour http://ur1.ca/dgbhg2013-04-14T00:18:20+00:00 in Canada To: Public
2013-04-06T19:30:20+00:00 in Canada To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
H. G. Wells, the teenage sidekick of the father of science fiction. #humour !sciencefiction !scifi http://ur1.ca/daeo32013-03-31T00:52:19+00:00 in Canada To: Public
The Right is Right, but the Left is more Right: a mathematical proof. #humour http://ur1.ca/d7w4e2013-03-23T20:01:30+00:00 in Canada To: Public
Some possible reasons the Canadian government spent millions advertising nothing -er an action plan. #humour http://ur1.ca/d5h0v2013-03-16T19:58:02+00:00 in Canada To: Public
The island of Newfoundland as a houndstooth pixel. #humour http://ur1.ca/d2zkd2013-03-10T00:56:10+00:00 in Canada To: Public
What has really happened to Germany's New York gold. #humour http://ur1.ca/d0u6x2013-03-03T01:07:05+00:00 in Canada To: Public
laurelrusswurm shared this.
@larryrusswurm Stockholm Syndrome or revolution?