Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen leinir@identi.ca
Student of Game and Engine Programming and part of the Amarok dev squad
2013-05-21T19:22:59+00:00 in Hinckley, England, United Kingdom To: Inge Wallin, Public
Neat! @ingwa used my screenshot in his blog entry about #Calligra Author distraction free mode :) Part of the novel: http://bit.ly/10KqvWZ2013-05-20T19:57:08+00:00 in Hinckley, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
#Calligra Author's shiny new distraction free mode works a treat! http://imgur.com/tUFPC4C (yes, that's a bit of my novel showing) !KDE !QtJure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
2013-02-21T11:24:48+00:00 in Eastleigh, England, United Kingdom To: a(n) person, Public
Hmm... So, how do we feel about this, #KDE ? Does #Sony get away with this? http://ur1.ca/cv6u0 ( via @jriddell )2013-02-18T21:57:21+00:00 in Eastleigh, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Public
My personal favourite has won the Konqui redesign competition on the !KDE forums! :D So much cute and thought in this :) http://ur1.ca/cud4hJure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
Sandro S. Andrade, Sandro S. Andrade, Jure Repinc (JLP), Jure Repinc (JLP) shared this.
2013-01-16T15:16:31+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Hehe, so apparently #Krita's brush system's kind of powerful. It can also do lulz ;) #nyancat http://ur1.ca/cjm852013-01-04T22:08:24+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Public
If you need yourself a new laptop, i've just stuck one up on ebay - a real powerhouse :) http://ur1.ca/ceqpg2012-11-16T16:26:43+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
dayum, artist, u scary! :O There's some seriously pretty stuff being made with #Krita :) http://ur1.ca/axsyq !Qt !KDEKevin Ottens, Kevin Ottens shared this.
2012-11-16T15:32:46+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Jure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
2012-11-11T15:30:43+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Public
Just in case you thought we'd disappeared, !Gluon is still happening, and we have new shiny ;) http://ur1.ca/avusy !Qt !KDE !fossgJure Repinc (JLP) likes this.
2012-11-09T14:18:38+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
Hey, you! Yes, you! Why haven't you signed up for the !Qt MeetUp in Birmingham tonight yet? ;) http://ur1.ca/auhpo !kde #bb102012-11-08T10:20:04+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
There's still room at the !Qt Contributors Day: !KDE Edition in Berlin on Monday - join us! :) http://ur1.ca/ao8ac2012-11-08T15:45:25+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Qt Users, Public
In or near Birmingham, UK? Like !Qt or just #BB10Believe ? Join us tomorrow at the meetup: http://ur1.ca/auhpo@leinir Where? The location hasn't been filled in yet, which means I'm not sure if I can get there or not...2012-11-05T10:06:24+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
2012-11-05T19:31:08+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
Oh, i totally blagged and stuff! :) All about #Krita Sketch, the !Qt and !KDE Touch paint application... :) http://ur1.ca/atdat2012-11-01T11:25:01+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: KDE, Qt Users, Public
So, all you !Qt people, interested in !KDE - why haven't you signed up to http://ur1.ca/ao8ac yet? ;)Fernando dos Santos, Fernando dos Santos, robert marshall, robert marshall and 2 others shared this.
2012-11-01T11:23:43+00:00 in Barwell, England, United Kingdom To: Qt Users, Public
Hey, all you !Qt people up near Birmingham, you should all be coming to the Qt meetup next Friday! :) http://meetu.ps/nDKz62012-08-19T16:03:55+00:00 To: Public
Sweet! The new !Gluon Graphics branch now looks like this: http://ur1.ca/9zhrn identical to the old stuff! \o/ !fossg #gaming !kdeFilipe Saraiva, Filipe Saraiva shared this.
2012-07-10T14:28:36+00:00 in Kærby, Vejgård, North Jutland, Denmark To: Qt Users, FOSS Gaming, Gluon, Public
Oh my, looks a whole lot like the new gfx engine in !Gluon is coming together; !Qt Quick bit's almost there :) !fossg http://ur1.ca/9ra2wShantanu Tushar, Shantanu Tushar shared this.
2012-07-05T16:41:26+00:00 To: Akademy, Gluon, Public
2012-07-04T12:10:45+00:00 To: Akademy, Gluon, Public