NPI Team nwprogressive@identi.ca
Redmond, United States
A netroots powered strategy center working to raise America's quality of life through innovative research and imaginative advocacy.
Glyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2012-07-30T03:17:45+00:00 To: Public
The most amazing, moving commercial of the Olympics – Meet the Superhumans of the #Paralympics - http://bit.ly/MV2314 puts things in contextGlyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2012-07-30T03:17:45+00:00 via web To: Public
The most amazing, moving commercial of the Olympics – Meet the Superhumans of the #Paralympics - http://bit.ly/MV2314 puts things in contextGlyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2012-03-10T08:34:26+00:00 via web To: Public
Why Google’s Plan To Make Maps Pay For Itself Could Backfire - http://tcrn.ch/xRRFKr someone else wakes up to unbeatable power of sharingBenoit Mortier likes this.
NPI Team, NPI Team, Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2012-03-10T08:34:26+00:00 To: Public
Why Google’s Plan To Make Maps Pay For Itself Could Backfire - http://tcrn.ch/xRRFKr someone else wakes up to unbeatable power of sharingBenoit Mortier likes this.
NPI Team, NPI Team, Benoit Mortier, Benoit Mortier shared this.
Glyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2011-09-10T21:49:27+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
9/11: The day we lost our privacy and power - http://bit.ly/pg5PUd how we were tricked into giving up our liberty; maybe time to get it backGlyn Moody shared by NPI Team at 2011-09-10T21:49:27+00:00 To: Public
9/11: The day we lost our privacy and power - http://bit.ly/pg5PUd how we were tricked into giving up our liberty; maybe time to get it back2011-08-23T22:24:33+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
New on the NPI Advocate: Earthquake strikes near D.C.: Nation's capital gets a taste of a major hazard we liv... | http://npi.li/8w #p22011-06-22T16:42:36+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
"All it takes is some sand in the gears, and suddenly, only pre-committed activists have the tools of..." http://tumblr.com/xrv34ahg8x2011-06-09T23:42:34+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
Iowa Republican to students at budget hearing: 'Go home' - Student activists are voicing their displeasure... http://tumblr.com/xrv2x9d9ka2011-06-09T23:42:19+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
"I believe that software patents should not exist. They are a tax on innovation. And software is closer..." http://tumblr.com/xrv2x7icod2011-05-27T02:40:38+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
Americans not getting as much exercise at work as we used to, study finds - It’s no secret that America is... http://tumblr.com/xrv2p8y08w2011-05-26T23:01:03+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
"I’ve been mocked and scoffed and cursed at and I’ve been through a lot with this lighted sign on top of..." http://tumblr.com/xrv2p58dgt2011-05-26T17:32:38+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
"You can make the Internet safe for Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber, or you can make it safe for the next..." http://tumblr.com/xrv2p2bdcr2011-05-19T01:39:56+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
Hypocrisy, thy name is Eyman: Voters Want More Choices responds to underhanded tactics w/ campaign of harassment -http://npi.li/hypocrisyman2011-04-26T08:39:34+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
State Dept adding intrusive, semi-impossible questionnaire for US passport applications - Boing Boing - The... http://tumblr.com/xrv29ulji92011-04-24T19:15:24+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
New on the NPI Advocate: Happy Easter 2011! | http://npi.li/68 #p22011-04-23T05:00:41+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
More light rail = better insulation against high gas prices - Rising diesel prices may cost King County... http://tumblr.com/xrv28c3tpw2011-04-23T01:15:42+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
Join @JayInslee, @ReuvenCarlyle, @ScottMacklin, @PeteSteinbrueck, and Timothy Ford at NPI's third Spring Fundraising Gala: http://npi.li/2011-04-22T00:08:03+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
"It’s not your phone. It’s Steve’s phone. Remember that." - Guardian commenter NotReallyASockpuppet,... http://tumblr.com/xrv27pfxks2011-04-22T00:07:59+00:00 in Redmond, United States To: Public
$76,000 protest disrupts swank Obama fundraiser: "We paid our dues..where's our 'change'"? - A pricey... http://tumblr.com/xrv27p25dy