Palmetto Open Source Software Conference posscon@identi.ca
Columbia, United States
Striving to show the world how to use and understand OSS/FOSS, for both Private and Public sectors
2013-04-06T04:12:46+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
POSSCON: RT @twasserman: Interesting take by Shawn Briscoe on Post Open Source Software on Open Source Delivers http://t.co/cG4bxtq1cX2013-04-06T04:12:45+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @shawnallyn: Post Open Source Software: open source is ubiquitous, universally accepted, and applied to mor…2013-04-06T04:12:44+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @SteveBenjaminSC: I loved the insert given out at @POSSCON last week. Shows just how strong our community t…2013-04-06T04:12:42+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @SteveBenjaminSC: We ranked 4th nationally in high tech employment growth from 2006-2011 at 40.1% @POSSCON #ITFACTS2013-04-06T04:12:42+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @SteveBenjaminSC: Our city ranks 2nd nationally in the high tech employment growth from '10-11 at 28.2% @POSSCON #ITFACTS2013-04-06T04:12:42+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @HerSidekick: "Code as if the next guy to maintain your code is a homicidal maniac who knows where you live…2013-04-05T21:12:13+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @wimgtr: My "Beyond PHP - it's not (just) about the code" slides were featured on the Slideshare homepage y…2013-03-30T11:52:00+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
POSSCON: RT @jcleblanc: Slides from my "Securing and Personalizing Commerce Using Identity Data Mining" talk at @possco…2013-03-29T00:35:43+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @IT_oLogy: @Smitland1 @posscon Thanks for all your help, Aaron!2013-03-29T00:22:54+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @jhibbets: RT @thegrizzwolf: Closing ceremonies at #POSSCON #posscon2013 - thanks to all friends - old and …2013-03-29T00:22:47+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-29T12:07:00+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @codepo8: CSS3 – know your arsenal – a show and tell at #Posscon - http://t.co/1ZAVdkoyvt2013-03-28T12:51:37+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @IT_oLogy: Stop by the @IT_ology booth to learn about volunteer opportunities and upcoming events in the co…2013-03-28T12:51:35+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
POSSCON: RT @brennen: POSSCON day 2: I have not yet achieved maximum nerd, but socks + sandals should function as declaration of intent.2013-03-28T12:51:34+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @DavidDuggins: Good morning @CityofColumbia !! another beautiful day at @POSSCON2013-03-28T12:51:34+00:00 To: Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @engineerbynight: Driving to @POSSCON to hang out with @sparkfun at their soldering workshop! Folks, pleas…2013-03-28T12:29:17+00:00 To: a(n) person, Palmetto Open Source Software Conference, Public
POSSCON: RT @jhibbets: Recap of @Harper Reed's, keynote @POSSCON | http://t.co/tNIQIDEha9 #posscon2013-03-28T12:29:17+00:00 To: Public
2013-03-28T22:24:44+00:00 To: Public
POSSCON: RT @LISAConference: LISA '13 CFP is open until April 30 http://t.co/UOCZc0rvFk (but why wait? submit a proposa…2013-03-28T21:32:20+00:00 To: Public