Rob Knop rknop@identi.ca
BC, Canada
Professor of Physics at Quest University Canada ; Linux user ; virtual world enthusiast ; amateur violinist, violist, and actor
2013-06-28T19:11:46+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Land of the watched and home of the cowed.2013-06-28T19:06:23+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
If this is really a democracy, why the hell do we have THIS government? http://ur1.ca/egwk72013-06-28T18:51:02+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Make a joke online, go to jail as a terrorist. This is NOT the Land of the Free at all any more. http://ur1.ca/egwep2013-06-28T16:05:44+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
The Obama administration has charged >2x as many whistleblowers as felons under the 1917 Espionage Act as all other admins combined.2013-06-27T18:32:03+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Grumpy Cat reacts to ubiquitous surveillance : http://ur1.ca/egjlu2013-06-25T17:23:32+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
In between his initial support for SOPA and his defense of the NSA, it's clear that Al Fraken is a *fake* populist/progressive.2013-06-23T19:39:20+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Which of the following do you think is a state in the "land of the free, home of the brave"? Tennessee, Ecuador.2013-06-23T18:16:11+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Gov't official in Tenn suggests complaining about water could get you listed as a terrorist. OMFG. http://ur1.ca/ef3rj2013-06-22T15:02:37+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
The word "ask" is a verb. That is all.2013-06-21T15:18:02+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
People who hypothesize government conspiracies miss the point. given trying-to-be secret gov' power grabs we KNOW ABOUT. (NSA, TPP, etc.)2013-06-20T04:18:24+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
The US government is out of control, and it's not entirely clear to me we can do anything about it. (2008 was supposed to HELP.)2013-06-18T13:44:02+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Maybe gov't spying revelations will FINALLY convince us we should use open protocol, not a central walled garden, for social networking.2013-06-17T14:04:34+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Lawrence Lessig is my hero, but.... he sent out a rootstrikers email using "ask" as a noun. Sigh. Nobody's perfect.2013-06-14T15:36:14+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
You go, Sen. Elizabeth Warren! http://www.businessweek.com/news/2013-06-13/senator-warren-presses-white-house-to-release-pacific-trade-text2013-06-14T15:35:57+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
"If transparency would lead to widespread public opposition to a trade agreement, then [it] should not be the policy of the United States.”2013-06-14T14:51:07+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Does the "S" in "NSA" stand for "Stasi"?2013-06-13T22:59:22+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Idea for Ultimate Entrapment: the government sues somebody for HIPPA violations because the NSA has their medical data.2013-06-13T17:24:23+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Some sanity comes out of the Supreme Court -- a unanimous decision that naturally-ocurring genes can't be patented. http://ur1.ca/eb7342013-06-13T01:16:40+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
If you live in Rep. Peter King's district in NY, make sure he does NOT get re-elected! http://ur1.ca/eay0l2013-06-13T00:52:11+00:00 in Lower Mainland, British Columbia, Canada via web To: Public
Vast # of federal laws=ALL of us are criminals. NSA having all our data means anybody "they" want to go after, they can. http://ur1.ca/eau46