Thiago Branco Meurer thiagopriest@identi.ca
La Paz, Bolivia
Internet Engineer and Researcher (M.Sc. BISys.) - http://thiagopriest.net
2013-07-06T22:26:50+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia via Gwibber To: Public
#FISL2013-05-23T21:23:35+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
Debian GNU/Hurd 2013 released! >> http://is.gd/iKJVdY2013-05-23T21:21:56+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: a(n) person, Public
For me after leaving the !Debian Wheezy 7.0.1 next month... the things will start to get stable.2013-05-23T21:19:54+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: a(n) person, Public
Pra mim depois que sair o !Debian Wheezy 7.0.1 no próximo mês...ai as coisas vão começar a ficar estáveis.2013-04-17T21:04:47+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
FLISOL 2013 >> http://is.gd/Mfwmv3 #LaPaz2013-03-02T00:34:22+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
!NBA friday at ESPN2013-03-02T00:32:05+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
!IPv6 is the future for all2013-02-27T21:49:21+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: a(n) person, Public
timeline for forthcoming #DPL elections announced http://ur1.ca/cx81t nominations will be March 3-10, who will run? #DPLgame !Debian2013-01-30T18:52:11+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
UPnP problem >> http://bit.ly/11ggxNX #PDF2012-12-09T19:17:31+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
2012-11-23T05:15:44+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
I wish today was all the internet with #IPv62012-08-28T02:30:06+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Felipe Augusto van de Wiel, Public
RT @faw: O pior pesadelo de empresas, pessoas e serviços que promovem a propaganda enganosa! http://ur1.ca/a1j692012-08-23T18:47:17+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
if you do not know the design of the Voynich Code, it would be interesting look about it. #encryption2012-08-16T15:34:10+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
Once taken the decision not to listen even to the best counter-argument: sign of strong character. Also an occasional will to be stupid #FN2012-08-03T23:43:15+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
Today will be the first night after a week I do not need to sleep five in the morning.2012-08-03T23:22:18+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
It's nice to finish a project, but I can not forget the other. I want to vacation, please. #december2012-08-03T23:14:25+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
How nice to finish a project.2012-07-06T23:51:04+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
Thinkpad should be more respected.2012-07-06T23:49:57+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
If you're the person who purchased Laptop by the standard of beauty, you're the person who knows nothing about anything.2012-05-02T05:08:15+00:00 in La Paz, Bolivia To: Public
In the #Debian ... the way the process of translation has never pleased me.