2013-05-31T03:41:34+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
A ver si funciona pump.io...2013-04-20T05:15:03+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
κάθαρσις2013-04-16T00:20:42+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
USB Cables exist in 4-dimensional space. http://ur1.ca/dedam2013-04-12T17:56:40+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
http://starlogs.net/ Star Wars formatted Git logs.2013-04-03T01:18:06+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Me aburri de no ver a usac.edu.gt en http://ur1.ca/d8wq2 asi que me puse a jugar. A ver que tal. #xkcd #guatemala #usac2013-03-29T01:13:25+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
I <3 Gwenview (and Digikam a bit too...)2013-03-27T19:08:17+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
2013-03-14T15:07:13+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Open Source and the Obligation to Recycle - http://ur1.ca/d2a4z // even more relevant due to SAAS and Google Reader2013-03-07T14:33:46+00:00 in Guatemala via mustard To: Public
Soy un odialotodo.2013-03-05T20:21:45+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Lo unico malo de tener Internet en el telefono es que se pierde la magia de encontrar algo nuevo en tu Inbox cuando usas la PC.2013-03-04T18:33:04+00:00 in Guatemala via mustard To: Public
A quien se le ocurrió la tremenda estupidez que es el proxy de la biblioteca de Arquitectura?2013-02-27T19:39:57+00:00 in Guatemala via mustard To: Public
TF2 on linux worked as a charm. I'm worried it might affect my productivity.@tian2992 I have the same problem, ever since they released it for Linux, and I do not have to reboot in order to play. :)2013-02-24T21:58:11+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Bash Reduce, a simple map reduce. http://ur1.ca/cwbiw2013-02-24T17:33:41+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Why Even Radiologists Can Miss A Gorilla Hiding In Plain Sight: NPR http://ur1.ca/cw835 #psychology #vision2013-02-20T19:16:58+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
If cannibalism was legal, which gender do you think would taste better? which ethnic group?2013-02-19T03:43:41+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
D3 seems like a really nice framework, nevertheless, I am worried about SVG animation performance.2013-02-18T05:16:27+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Ahora saben que me pase haciendo el viernes. http://ur1.ca/cu4y32013-02-15T20:20:30+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
Quiero hacer un Scanner para Libros ( http://ur1.ca/3zdwe )? Necesito ayuda. Alguien Interesado? RT/RD por favor.cmike, cmike, ezeq, ezeq shared this.
♻ @tian2992 Quiero hacer un Scanner para Libros ( http://ur1.ca/3zdwe )? Necesito ayuda. Alguien Interesado? RT/RD por favor.2013-02-15T19:13:24+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
@tian2992 quienes eran?2013-02-12T03:32:25+00:00 in Guatemala via web To: Public
http://wtfjs.com/ WTF Javascript