2012-10-04T06:03:45+00:00 To: Public
ubuntuco: @ShirleyWarrior Allí se aprenden muchas cosas, te recomendamos aplicar un filtro https://t.co/Y94Op1Ah2012-10-04T06:03:33+00:00 To: Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: RT @Siriox: @camilochavezv @ubuntuco Le saldrá un menú o pantalla para actualizar.2012-10-04T06:03:31+00:00 To: Public
ubuntuco: Listos para la maratón de 24 horas del equipo de comunidad? http://t.co/XtQE1hV1 #Ubuntu #UbuntuOnAit2012-10-04T06:03:31+00:00 To: Public
ubuntuco: @ShirleyWarrior En nuestra lista de correo se tratan Muchos temas deberías poder abstraer los que te interes…2012-10-04T06:03:28+00:00 To: Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: RT @ShirleyWarrior: En la lista (gmail) de @ubuntuco "hablan" de cosas que yo: ¿Jum?2012-10-04T06:03:26+00:00 To: Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: RT @jota1971: @ubuntuco @camilochavezv tu eliges, yo no he tenido problemas con las actualizacioes online, pe…2012-10-04T06:03:26+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @omgubuntu: Ubuntu 12.10 Updates Messaging Menu Status Icons - http://t.co/V4HRh4No #linux #ubuntu2012-10-04T06:03:25+00:00 To: Ubuntu One, Public
ubuntuco: RT @UbuntuOne: Enjoying your 6 months of free music streaming? Invite your friends and you each get 500MB of …2012-10-04T06:03:23+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @WebUpd8: Joomla 3.0 Installation Guide http://t.co/ubfo2p7x #linux2012-10-04T06:03:21+00:00 To: rosa guillen lopez, Public
ubuntuco: RT @novatillasku: The Canonical Community Team and 13.04 http://t.co/rrRAT9t2 #ubuntu2012-10-04T06:03:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @ubuntucloud: RT @nijaba Refreshed Cloud Images of 12.04.1 LTS (Precise Pangolin) [20121001] http://t.co/r…2012-10-04T06:03:21+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @planetubuntu: Jono Bacon: The Canonical Community Team and 13.04: Apologies for such a long post, but I w…2012-10-04T06:03:18+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @planetubuntu: Kubuntu: KDE Plasma, Applications and Platform 4.9.2: Packages for the release of KDE SC 4.…2012-10-04T06:03:18+00:00 To: Public
ubuntuco: RT @mozillacolombia: Sociedad Civil hace un llamado al presidente de Panamá a rechazar "la peor ley de derec…2012-10-04T06:03:18+00:00 To: Public
ubuntuco: RT @andresmmujica: Open-source development: The history of OpenOffice shows why licensing matters http://t.co/D981Y2ot2012-10-04T06:03:18+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
ubuntuco: RT @planetubuntu: Ubuntu Kernel Team: [Quantal] linux kernel 3.5.0-17.26 uploaded (ABI Bump): We have uploade…2012-10-04T05:08:35+00:00 To: Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: RT @danielhzavala: gracias @ubuntuco funciono de maravilla la 1ra op. intente con la 2da y no permitio. cambi…2012-10-04T05:08:34+00:00 To: Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: RT @AlvaroBorregoR: @Fabininiprz @ubuntuco los repos se actualizan en el sources.list dependiendo de corre que uses2012-10-04T05:08:34+00:00 To: a(n) person, Ubuntu Colombia, Public
ubuntuco: @ProjectEpux Tenemos una pregunta, es lo mismo que se había planteado hacer con @HackBo y @ubuntuco ?2012-10-04T05:08:32+00:00 To: MuyLinux, Public
ubuntuco: RT @FredySnake: RT @muylinux #Huayra: #Debian quiere conquistar las escuelas en Argentina http://t.co/GBsfE3K…