2013-04-03T07:27:22+00:00 To: Freies Sender Kombinat Hamburg, Public
This incredible video mix http://vimeo.com/8073574 just convinced me visiting the 25 Yrs of Solid Steel-Show on Fri! !fsk !hh #music2012-08-03T10:42:29+00:00 To: Public
2011-04-27T10:33:51+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
♺ @exprop: Restrisiko in Deutschland: AKW-Stresstest selber machen - http://stresstest.senselab.org #antiakw #akw2011-04-27T13:14:37+00:00 To: Public
Any research about poisons going from plastic into soil when growing in plastic? #permaculture #food #organic !appropedia2011-03-31T11:28:53+00:00 To: Public
Autonomes Zentrum Köln räumungsbedroht: http://ur1.ca/3psmr - und stylisch: http://ur1.ca/3psms #pyranha2011-03-31T18:40:07+00:00 To: Public
Super! Köln kann nicht ohne Autonomes Zentrum und das scheint allen klar! http://unsersquat.blogsport.eu/ #pyranha2011-02-28T10:07:26+00:00 To: permaculture, Public
Someone knowing ressources about plant-guilds/plant-communities? !permaculture2011-02-27T22:23:09+00:00 To: permaculture, Public
Why there are so less good and complete ressources on !permaculture on the internet - does everybody want to make money with books?Appropedia.org likes this.
2011-02-13T18:24:08+00:00 To: Freies Sender Kombinat Hamburg, Public
Cool, Live-Diplomarbeit auf heute radio !FSK: http://fsk-hh.org/transmitter/hfbk_outdoor_in/57954 #multiplom #kunst2010-12-29T17:07:42+00:00 To: Freies Sender Kombinat Hamburg, Dubstep, Drum & Bass, Public
Tonight 23:00h - NACHTSCHALTER on !fsk #radio - check #livestream: http://ur1.ca/2p819 #hamburg !dubstep !dnb #rap #broadcast #mix2010-11-11T13:20:40+00:00 To: Dubstep, Public
Found nice #electronic #music project: Project Mooncircle - listen here http://ur1.ca/2bmxy !dubstep2010-11-04T16:57:08+00:00 To: Public
cool: #exchange your (used) things http://ur1.ca/29mqg <http://ur1.ca/29mqg> #recycling #sustainability #garbage2010-10-29T15:11:14+00:00 To: Freies Sender Kombinat Hamburg, Dubstep, Public
Tonight on #radio !fsk 93.0mhz NACHTSCHALTER - http://ur1.ca/27oxy check #livestream #music !drumnbass !dubstep #rap #rastatech2010-10-29T15:08:26+00:00 To: Dubstep, Public
supernice M.I.A. - LP from 2010 http://www.discogs.com/MIA---Y-/release/2373406 !dubstep !drumnbass #music #electronic #bhangra2010-10-21T10:35:06+00:00 To: Public
#petition gegen die Einführung des EU-Rechts, die den Verkauf Heilpflanzen stark einschränkt http://ur1.ca/250lx #naturheilkunde #tcmJay Silence shared by 1b0t at 2010-10-21T10:32:57+00:00 To: Public
#petition gegen Verlängerung der Atomkraftwerkslaufzeit http://mod4.cc/3gJay Silence shared by 1b0t at 2010-10-21T10:32:57+00:00 via web To: Public
#petition gegen Verlängerung der Atomkraftwerkslaufzeit http://mod4.cc/3g2010-10-21T07:11:56+00:00 To: Public
2010-10-16T17:29:49+00:00 To: Public
Gerade Hausbesetzung in Hamburg: http://de.indymedia.org/2010/10/292189.shtml #squat #activism #gentrification #leerstand