AcaWiki at
Imagined from beginning, but never done until now: a class is using AcaWiki -- an archaeology class at University of Washington.
This led to a long-put-off software upgrade, notes at http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/acawiki-general/2014-September/000428.html
This led to a long-put-off software upgrade, notes at http://lists.ibiblio.org/pipermail/acawiki-general/2014-September/000428.html
Mike Linksvayer shared this.

BTW the upgrade was kind of a pain, as Semantic MediaWiki now really wants to be installed via composer, a PHP dependency management thing, which required removing/commenting out git/manually installed SMW, but it did all work, seeing spelled out at http://semantic-mediawiki.org/wiki/Help_talk:Installation#MW_1.22_and_SMW_1.9beta_install.2Fupgrade_... helped.