James Wallbank accessjames@identi.ca
I run a community arts and technology lab where people meet, create, learn, recycle and network with free software and recycled computers.
2012-07-09T08:14:04+00:00 via mustard To: Public
How the **** do I configure #Mustard? It seems incomplete or totally non-intuitive.2012-07-09T08:03:09+00:00 via mustard To: Public
Just testing mustard microblogging client...2011-12-07T18:08:14+00:00 via web To: Tim Dobson, Public
2010-04-16T17:34:17+00:00 via web To: Public
Citizen Sheep on Martha Lane Fox (the right URL this time!) http://ur1.ca/vgpz What is "Digital Inclusion" anyway?2010-02-25T12:02:06+00:00 via web To: Jonas Jared Jacek, Public
@accessjames see I don't block spammers because I'm just lazy - the more subscribers I get the less it seems worthwhile.. :-/2010-02-23T10:08:34+00:00 via web To: Public
Identi.ca is spam paradise! Blocking is a daily grind! I want real people, not marketing chimps. Blocked 90% of subscribers. Any fixes??@accessjames yes, !statusnet is having a problem. Go here to participate: http://status.net/open-source - I did the same.2009-12-28T14:30:28+00:00 via web To: Public
Getting sick of identi.ca spammers. Banned 3 today. Unless identi.ca get this under control I'm quitting.@accessjames I have about 5 identica accounts. Can I reccomend turning off email alerts that someone is following you?@accessjames oh that reminds me, you know i mentioned a computer fixing thing in sheffield that i thought you might be aware of?@accessjames I meant http://ur1.ca/imwl and that.. I dont know if its something you've come across..2009-11-24T15:16:39+00:00 via web To: Public
Starting to suspect I don't see the point of identi.ca - or any other micro-blogging sites!@accessjames @stretch great to see you today! :d I had a really enjoyable day... I'll be back soon.2009-11-09T11:34:28+00:00 via web To: Public
Getting annoyed by spammers creating identi.ca accounts. Now have to block one almost every day. Anyone got good suggestions/responses?2009-10-23T12:51:10+00:00 via web To: Public
Off to Brazil now to lead GDlib and ImageMagick workshops. Will the participants be experts or beginners? No idea! Will have to wing it.2009-08-20T14:10:21+00:00 via web To: Public
A great definition of "hacker" -- http://ur1.ca/9t7l Is consumer society inherently suspicious of "Taking it apart to see how it works"?2009-08-19T11:38:23+00:00 via web To: Public
Looking forward to Sheffield Arduino Hackers Network meeting (Thurs 20th, Workstation 19:00). I'm Looking to recruit FabLab participants.2009-07-12T23:30:43+00:00 via web To: Public
Now participating in "Grounding Open Source Hardware" conference in Banff, Canada. Very interesting - some great people & projects.2009-06-26T17:14:19+00:00 via web To: Public
Compare these... http://fixlinux.com/ http://fixwindows.com/ http://fixapple.com/ http://fixunix.com/ http://fixmac.com/ - a culture clash?2009-06-16T22:38:54+00:00 via web To: Public
Earlier today I heard that journalists weren't allowed to use mobile phones or laptops at the Digital Britain launch event! Oooh the irony.2009-06-05T22:36:14+00:00 via web To: Public
Hey! I just got a £29 Lapazz graphics tablet from Maplin working with Debian Lenny. Okay, so it took 3 hours. (Hint: install wizardpen).2009-06-04T18:23:35+00:00 via web To: Public
Getting more and more into graphviz.2009-06-03T11:37:58+00:00 via web To: Public
Ahhhh! I love it when someone simply comes up with an open source solution to a dumb proprietary problem! http://tinyurl.com/qng5eo2009-05-20T14:30:55+00:00 via web To: Public
Get smart with reality cracking! http://tinyurl.com/k595k