alejandro Perez aeperezt@identi.ca
Douala, Guinea
Linux fan, free Software activist , consultant, Fedora Ambassador Panama
Máirín shared by alejandro Perez at 2012-06-04T21:33:08+00:00 via Hotot To: Public
i wish the gnome shell search box would search irc logsMarcio B. Jr. likes this.
alejandro Perez, alejandro Perez, Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
Máirín shared by alejandro Perez at 2012-06-04T21:33:08+00:00 To: Public
i wish the gnome shell search box would search irc logsMarcio B. Jr. likes this.
alejandro Perez, alejandro Perez, Marcio B. Jr., Marcio B. Jr. shared this.
2012-01-29T16:05:28+00:00 in Panama To: David E. Narváez, Public
@dMaggot excelent but one full pages was not enough http://is.gd/QLu7tb :-) #floss-pa #flosspa, #SOPA2012-01-25T14:08:29+00:00 in Panama To: Public
dMaggot more than inspiring http://is.gd/SasVJz@aeperezt thanks, I participated in the ISA talk about SOPA y'day with Matsufuji, very interesting too2012-01-19T21:50:11+00:00 in Panama To: Public
Un día despues de la propuesta de por #sopa http://is.gd/d9cU5b cierran megauploads2012-01-19T21:40:10+00:00 in Panama To: Public
if #SOPA and #pipa are not set this is a big win for the people and Internet but be sure they will try again some how, http://is.gd/K1OGaS2012-01-18T05:27:39+00:00 in Panama To: Public
wikipedia is off, wordpress.com off http://is.gd/caS0lc torproject.og greenpeace.org more sites start blackout at 8am east2012-01-18T05:01:23+00:00 in Panama To: Public
http://is.gd/twrTf4 more on UEFI, not easy solution for Linux2012-01-13T18:35:50+00:00 in Panama To: kantra, Franklin G. Mendoza, Public
♺ @kantra: @debiansick: La Fuerza Aérea de EE.UU. migra a !gnu/Linux por culpa de un virus http://goo.gl/kS7Xl2012-01-13T16:58:58+00:00 in Panama To: MetalByte, Linux, Public
2012-01-11T22:29:23+00:00 in Panama To: Ricardo Chung, Public
♺ @amon0thoth1: I am cosidering to shutdown all my systems and don't even try to turn them on. Stop SOPA. January 23th2012-01-10T18:11:54+00:00 in Panama To: Public
open source winners and loser 2011, Hbase, Node.js, Nginx, Hadoop, Rails insteresting trend for 2012 http://is.gd/VGCF2s2012-01-10T15:14:25+00:00 in Panama To: Public
code for america http://is.gd/I6Lu4J sample to follow #panama2012-01-07T02:15:44+00:00 in Panama To: Carolina Flores Hine, Public
2012-01-07T02:15:21+00:00 in Panama To: David E. Narváez, MetalByte, Fedora users, Public
♺ @dmaggot: RT @metalbyte Fedora lanzará un 'Spin' con Razor-Qt http://ur1.ca/7aszk !fedora !kde #razor-qt2012-01-05T18:20:45+00:00 in Panama To: Ricardo Chung, Public
♺ @amon0thoth1: Mashable - The Social Media Guide - http://ur1.ca/79jec Will SOPA Change our religion ?2012-01-05T16:28:05+00:00 in Panama To: Public
CouchDB developer move from Apache to Couchbase http://is.gd/tpLcAe2012-01-05T02:53:59+00:00 in Panama To: Public
hacking WIFI http://is.gd/A3LNaU new security holeRicardo Chung likes this.
2012-01-04T16:02:54+00:00 in Panama To: Public
Google, twitter, facebook, amazon planning a blackout to show the world how bad #SOPA will be http://is.gd/c6Loa22012-01-03T14:32:37+00:00 in Panama To: a(n) person, Public