voted for "yes of course"
2013-03-03T13:08:40+00:00 To: Samsung Galaxy S4 Kaufen, a(n) person, Public
2012-09-27T02:26:07+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: Public
reviewed gPodder Podcast Client in Ubuntu: ★★★★★ All you can wish for2012-08-29T19:23:26+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: Public
reviewed myspell-nl in Ubuntu: ★★★★★ Excellent for Thunderbird2012-08-17T23:19:32+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: Public
reviewed gnome-shell-timer in Ubuntu: ★★★☆☆ Good intention, but does not work with my setup.2012-08-15T18:42:44+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: a(n) person, Public
!ubuntu #UbuntuOne referral program. Click http://is.gd/zxx6fy to subscribe and you and me will get 500 MB extra storage! #u1antonio amarildo, antonio amarildo shared this.
2012-07-06T21:24:05+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: Public
http://ur1.ca/9qmbk Test of my app Discvur.2012-06-19T05:19:10+00:00 in Illinois, United States To: Public
Le site de la disposition !bépo est-il HS ? Comment faire pour télécharger les pilotes pour MS Windows ? http://ur1.ca/9j04s2012-03-10T09:39:18+00:00 in France To: april.org, La Quadrature du Net, Framasoft, Public
J'ai acheté un #PackLiberte de @aprilorg @framasoft @laquadrature pour redonner à l'Internet une odeur de frais https://packliberte.org2012-03-06T16:39:28+00:00 in France To: Vincent, Public
a voté pour "Unity"
2011-12-01T22:46:57+00:00 To: Dennis Andrew Gutowski Jr, a(n) person, Public
2011-11-30T01:15:55+00:00 in France To: Public
a voté pour "Unity"
2011-10-18T02:44:33+00:00 To: a(n) person, Public
2011-07-27T07:20:40+00:00 in France To: Public
PDF Mod évalué(e) dans Ubuntu : ★★★★★ Superbe2011-07-26T22:49:42+00:00 in Seoul, Seoul, South Korea To: Public
Only 14 days left to pay what you want for the Humble Indie Bundle #3! humblebundle.com via @Humble2011-07-25T08:28:19+00:00 in Seoul, Seoul, South Korea To: a(n) person, Public
2011-04-28T19:54:03+00:00 in France To: Public
The Narwhal is out! Happy install everyone.2011-04-18T21:30:08+00:00 in France To: Public
Currently listening to Painkiller [Kill the pain mix] by Depeche Mode https://one.ubuntu.com/music/l/10395609/0