The Anarcat at

Not yet, work to support ActivityPub in the Pump network is ongoing =)
But it's wrong to call Mastodon (or Pump, or GNU Social) a "silo". Silos are centralized, like the bird spysite or the big blue F spysite.
Mastodon, like Pump, is not centralized.
JanKusanagi at 2018-01-24T19:21:35Z
clacke@libranet.de ❌ likes this.

well... sure, it's decentralized, but it's yet another protocol. we have many of those silos: pump.io, gnu social, mastodon/activitypub, diaspora/salmon, and probably many more i'm forgetting. those can't talk to each other and even though they are "federated" in that multiple servers can talk to each other, they are still "silos" in that they can't globally interoperate.
hopefully the w3c adoption will fix that, but right now i'm a little doubtful: standards are not magic... they reflect implementation, most of the time, and it take a lot of energy to change implementation to reflect standards.
i doubt, for example, that diaspora and gnu social will implement the standard quickly...
The Anarcat at 2018-01-24T23:47:23Z
clacke@libranet.de ❌ likes this.