and3k and3k@identi.ca
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
Ron K. Jeffries ronkjeffries@identi.ca
Arroyo Grande, United States
Watch, listen, read, write. Rinse and repeat as needed. Writing a book about the torture and murder of a 15 year old girl, Dystiny Myers, September 25/26 2010 in Nipomo, CA. http://ronkjeffries.pen.io
Dr Tony Mork laserspinesurgery@identi.ca
Newport Beach, United States
Dr Tony Mork has performed over 8,000 endoscopic spinal surgeries in Newport Beach, CA.
hochgeschwindigkeitsseo von profis hochgeschwindigkeitsseo@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
Wir lieben HochgeschwindigkeitsSEO und deswegen können wir es auch so super toll!
Firefox İndir firefoxindir@identi.ca
Üçkuyu, Turkey
Firefox indirmek için gerekli bağlantıları sizlerle paylaşıyoruz.
Fábrica de Fallas fabricadefallas@identi.ca
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Festival de Cultura Libre, en Buenos Aires, todos los noviembres. Territorio inalámbrico.
Hezy Amiel hezy@identi.ca
Ruẖama, Israel
A physics teacher and a science fan. User of free software, student of interesting things.
Nikos Roussos comzeradd@identi.ca
Kalamávki, Greece
opensource & digitalrights activist - @mozilla rep, @fedora dev, @fsfe ga member, @hackerspacegr member
Bèr Kessels berkes@identi.ca
The way of the #Hacker - Long term #Drupal dev - owner of webschuur.com - #OpenSource lover - #linux user - Rails user - #OpenWeb activist
Agustín Benito Bethencourt toscalix@identi.ca
Málaga, Spain
KDE contributor. KDE e.V. member. KDE Spain co-founder. ESLiC co-founder. Management specialist (free software).
Jure Repinc (JLP) jrepin@identi.ca
Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pirate, GNU/Linux / free software / open source fan, contributor to Thousand Parsec (a free 4X space strategy game) and KDE (the best desktop)