Andrés andresdigimusic@identi.ca
Madrid, Spain
Música, propiedad intelectual y nuevas tecnologías desde el Master de Economía Digital e Industrias Creativas de la EOI
F.N. Fdez Cortes at 2012-09-20T15:11:15+00:00
Mario Tascón: “Los medios digitales son el único espacio para la innovación que deja la crisis” http://goo.gl/Lz8H1 Via/ #233gradosAndrés likes this.
Andrés shared this.
Stéphane M. Grueso at 2012-06-08T16:45:56+00:00
fanetin: RT @Caban0es: Faltan 2 días... o cuando la publicidad completa una noticia y todo encaja como un gran puzle s…Andrés likes this.
faconti at 2012-03-03T12:34:42+00:00
RD @andresdigimusic Tim Berners-Lee ( @timbl ) on the next Web - http://ur1.ca/fv4q - [ingles] #video #TED #opendata #webAndrés likes this.
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona at 2012-02-24T16:39:22+00:00
Saving Private Ryan: the beach scene, by 3 graph designers instead of 1,000 extras http://ur1.ca/8cr30 A classic of what tech can doAndrés likes this.
Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona at 2011-12-06T12:02:14+00:00
DNSCrypt: connect to OpenDNS preventing any spying, spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks http://ur1.ca/6ecmu #freesoftware /via @vrruizAndrés likes this.
michelenlared at 2011-12-05T23:08:13+00:00
Make a Youtube video High Definition With !Ubuntu #Unity #gnulinux - http://youtu.be/Wv684YTleJg -/-Andrés likes this.
Stéphane M. Grueso at 2011-11-19T09:34:11+00:00
Señores perroflautas que intentan linkar twitter e identi.ca y casi acaban con el mundo... :-S #haztefanAndrés likes this.
Santiago Romero Ruiz, Santiago Romero Ruiz shared this.