Anthony Sorace anth@identi.ca
2013-05-06T13:51:56+00:00 in South Euclid, Ohio, United States To: Public
The post on the pump.io transition says, more or less, "some things will be different". Anyone have details? Will groups still work?2011-11-11T03:06:09+00:00 To: Public
anyone got an iOS text editor that does real tabs (indentation, not the UI element) and syncs with Dropbox or Simplenote?2011-10-13T02:19:19+00:00 To: Public
according to rob pike, dennis ritchie (dmr) died this past weekend. brilliant and insightful mind, great guy, now lost to us.2011-07-06T05:51:23+00:00 To: Public
Tanenbaum's "Operating Systems": $4.99. Polaroid OneStep Express: $3.99. I love Goodwill.2011-06-30T19:46:11+00:00 in South Euclid, Ohio, United States To: joshix, Public
@joshix early 30s. by the 40s, most of the New Deal was pretty well accepted, and he hated that.joshix likes this.
2011-06-27T19:22:19+00:00 To: Public
Asked TSA to opt out of the radiation chamber. Guy gave me some bogus line about cell phones, then shut the whole scanner down.2011-06-23T23:55:54+00:00 To: Public
Discovered bondo yesterday. I now want to put holes in things so I have an excuse to use it more. Yay, chemistry!@anth You go out, you buy you *any* detroit automobile from the mid-eighties driven in Ohio, you'll be in endless bondo business.2011-06-03T00:52:50+00:00 To: joshix, Public
@joshix Er, "modernist".2011-06-03T00:51:36+00:00 To: joshix, Public
@joshix Modenist. ;-)2011-05-03T17:53:31+00:00 in South Euclid, Ohio, United States To: joshix, Public
@joshix just saw mb. sad about the name. is there a reason you're now writing update.xml instead of update.json?@anth I switched to update.xml just for consistency, b/c the new api-based mb/read reads the xml api, not json.@anth The name I changed just b/c the world still doesn't deal with fancy chars as well as Plan 9 & the µ got mangled in some places.@anth I should probably have explained that in my otherwise all-to-verbose writeup of the changes: http://blog.joshix.com/microbe-updated/2011-04-21T14:41:05+00:00 To: Andy C, joshix, Public
@joshix @andyc to be fair, saying an utterance is racist isn't really the same as saying the speaker is. "that's stupid" != "you're stupid".@anth If a person is the recipient of what he perceives to be a racist dent, it certainly implies the recipient thinks the sender is racist.Deceased. Please use 'andyc@pumpdog.me'. at 2011-04-21T14:48:08+00:00
2011-04-07T23:22:28+00:00 To: a(n) person, a(n) person, Public
2011-03-28T19:27:59+00:00 in South Euclid, Ohio, United States To: a(n) person, Public
The !gsoc student application period is now open! Don't wait: apply now, talk w/ mentors to improve your proposal. http://google-melange.com2011-03-23T05:16:50+00:00 To: joshix, Public
@joshix working, thanks. I'm already *much* more pleased than with the official client.@anth Cool! The credit belongs to the natsulion guys; I've just done some fiddling on top of their work.2011-03-23T03:57:11+00:00 To: joshix, Public
@joshix i'd like to give identilion a shot. i'm in the dev program. should i talk to you, or just compile and install identilion-out.tgz?@anth Just a moment & I'll put up a much newer set of sources.@anth http://labs.utopian.net/who/josh/iphone/identilion/src/identilion.tgz Should build w/ 13 deprecation warnings.2011-03-23T03:41:10+00:00 To: Public
Oh, and I bought more film, of course. Happy birthday, guys — here, have some more of my money. #impossibleproject2011-03-23T03:31:48+00:00 To: Public
Today is the 1st brithday for #impossibleproject — reposting my first shot with their film in celebration: http://flic.kr/p/92ZQGJ