Anthony Kennerson anthonyjk@identi.ca
Middle aged Black poltitcal Leftist/sex radical/sex-positive progressive
2010-06-23T16:35:45+00:00 To: Public
Still not superior to Garrett Hartley's OT FG that put #NewOrleansSaints in Super Bowl XLIV, though..but no slouch. #WeDAT2010-06-23T16:34:07+00:00 To: Public
I'm still NOT a soccer fan quite yet...but gotta hand it to Team #USA...that goal was EPIC. Onward to the Round of 16. #WorldCup2010-06-23T16:33:09+00:00 To: Public
Moving over here until the FAIL WHALE known as Twitter gets their act back together...2009-08-10T19:19:11+00:00 To: Public
Testing out my new Pixelpipe account with a mass post...2009-08-06T20:29:31+00:00 To: Public
Sotomayor's now a SCOTUS Justice...68-31 the final vote. I wonder who the eight Repubs were who decided to back her, I wonder2009-08-06T15:44:26+00:00 To: Public
OK...so what the hell is up -- or down, to be more accurate -- with Twitter today?? Too many tweets choking their system??2009-04-22T07:55:59+00:00 To: Public
Testing the new digs out...maybe this could give Twitter some needed competition... :LOL