Andreas Posur aposur@identi.ca
Steinrode, Germany
unusual Computer Science Student @ TU-Darmstadt Germany; Founder Of The "World Of Kyeldon Project"
2012-08-27T17:51:45+00:00 in Germany To: Public
Announcement: Diaspora* Will Now Be A Community Project: http://ur1.ca/a1gm62011-05-30T20:47:35+00:00 in Germany To: a(n) person, Public
2011-05-26T21:42:18+00:00 in Germany To: a(n) person, Public
@deelkar Nein, das vlt. nicht aber das prädestiniert für einen Diaspora* invite ;-D pod.sargodarya.de2011-05-16T09:52:52+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
oh man sure, let's build a rocket of libre graphics!2011-05-16T15:23:22+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
In case you left Diaspora* (hopefully not) I'm writing an eBook on Free Culture (FLOSC): http://is.gd/UJ2mkR Could you rate it / spreat it?2011-05-15T23:23:26+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
#beyondthemirror german & english versions updated! [german version on p.33 http://is.gd/R9Dhv0] [english version p.16 http://is.gd/nWvCIP]2011-05-10T02:40:33+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
Download and improve my "copyleft" upcoming book: GIMP, Firefox, Marble, Ben NanoNote, Gallium3D: A whole World beyond the mirror ;rate it!2011-04-18T10:36:50+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
[AT] to whom it may concern (not my file, please check, I can't): http://www.partha.com/downloads/gimp-2.7.2-64bit.exe #gimp #windows64 #fs2011-04-11T02:36:32+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: a(n) person, Public
@digiges Wie sieht es aus mit Diaspora* dort werden sehr viele "Unterstützer" herkommen, falls ich mich nicht sehr irre...?2011-04-03T08:03:56+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Raphaël Hertzog, Public
@raphaelhertzog http://www.joindiaspora.com/tags/debian (45 People)@aposur I'm inviting @raphaelhertzog :) I've one invite left2011-04-03T07:22:50+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Raphaël Hertzog, Public
@raphaelhertzog you wan't to try out diaspora* ? I've a joindiaspora invitation (dev-pod) for you... mail@aposur: Not sure I will have the time to look into it but why not... I'm curious.2011-03-30T22:21:23+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
for all who try to get something new of me (and it's not posted here) follow: andreas_p@joindiaspora.com everything is syndicated! #diaspora2011-03-24T14:36:58+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
!hacking Know the new decent, humane, wellbeing, (we're ok) website #Isharegossip? No, yes there's NO! Isharegossip exists and it is WASTE!2011-03-21T04:29:03+00:00 in Germany To: Public
derived from: duckduckgo.com/?q=%21diaspora+gnucodicelibero2011-03-21T04:21:08+00:00 in Germany To: Public
by the way: duckduckgo searches Diaspora* (public) profiles2011-03-21T04:03:19+00:00 in Germany To: Public
test post for f*c3b00k generation....................................... OMG! What have I done?????? aaaahhhhh2011-03-21T03:54:43+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
intention : Diaspora <-> Pidgin <-> identi.ca <-> Twitter <-> {StudiVZ, WKW, FB?} is going: Diaspora not, pidgin = yes, Twitter <-> SN's no2011-03-21T03:06:59+00:00 in Dotzheim, Klarenthal, Hesse, Germany To: Public
twttr:test2011-03-21T01:49:57+00:00 in Germany To: Andreas Posur, Public