2013-03-19T12:47:50+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
Gerard Ryan likes this.
2013-03-13T21:20:43+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
"To engs this is absurd from the start—standards are things you write after you've got something working, not before!" http://goo.gl/Os3EQLydia Pintscher shared by Laura Dragan at 2013-03-09T23:50:19+00:00 via Choqok To: Public
I'm still looking for someone who can design the Season of KDE 2012 t-shirts. Any takers?Alessandro Cosentino, Alessandro Cosentino, Laura Dragan, Laura Dragan and 2 others shared this.
Lydia Pintscher shared by Laura Dragan at 2013-03-09T23:50:19+00:00 To: Public
I'm still looking for someone who can design the Season of KDE 2012 t-shirts. Any takers?Alessandro Cosentino, Alessandro Cosentino, Laura Dragan, Laura Dragan and 2 others shared this.
2013-03-07T21:31:34+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
context is hard to define because its definition varies depending on context :) .. reading a phd thesis while high on cold & flu medicine2013-02-26T12:11:08+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
my thesis (as it is in the hardbound copy submitted to uni) is now on github (cc-by) - feedback and bug reports welcome http://goo.gl/V73bsⓍⓞⓟⓗⓔⓡ likes this.
2013-02-17T01:28:43+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
too bad "the competition is open to citizens of the UK, US, France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden." http://t.co/vfqQ7obF2013-01-18T16:12:53+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
last bit of the trip to #FOSDEM booked! now moving to the fun task of picking all the cool stuff that i want to see - hope not many overlap2013-01-17T10:08:54+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
What If We Responded to Sexual Assault by Limiting Men’s Freedom Like We Limit Women’s? http://goo.gl/avxhe #brilliant #satire2013-01-14T12:29:38+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
my short guide is proudly displayed on @sugru site, for all to admire :) http://sugru.com/guides/make-a-small-tea-strainer-fit-a-big-tea-mugGerard Ryan likes this.
2013-01-14T12:14:46+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
locked out today - forgot: house keys, bike lock, @deri access card, gym token..wallet .. hope the coffee kicks in soon :) #sleepymonday2013-01-11T15:39:00+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
first play with @sugru - fixed my tea strainer http://www.flickr.com/photos/aprilush/8370819538/2013-01-11T14:36:10+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: KDE, Public
yay! #semnotes still compiles (and even runs) on !kde master! time to get back to it me thinks! lots of work to do :)@aprilush Meanwhile at Gnome: themes break every minor release.Marcus Harrison at 2013-01-11T14:49:06+00:00
Ladislav Ezr likes this.
@aprilush Awesome :33@aprilush Excellent!2012-12-17T13:59:08+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
yay! got my raspberry pi from @ukodi today! just in time for some holiday fun :)2012-12-04T22:10:22+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
2012-11-30T14:08:01+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
my viva presentation was featured on the first page of @slideshare yday :D sad i didn't see it with my own eyes, but delighted it happened2012-11-28T12:50:28+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
this morning showed that just deciding something is going to be ok, sometimes works..though it does not lower stress :) #positivethinkingftw2012-11-21T13:59:30+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
2012-11-14T09:01:31+00:00 in Galway, Connaught, Ireland To: Public
a letter of note written in 1903 by a wise 23yr old future doctor and mother of 4 http://www.lettersofnote.com/2012/10/why-i-am-atheist.html