Thomas HOCEDEZ asthro@identi.ca
Lille, France
Hacker dans l'âme, développeur web de son état, il fork les espèces végétales aussi. Je mange aussi du libre au petit déjeuner.
Hubert Lombard eldreammachine@identi.ca
Gūshdūn, Iran
Gnu/Linux & Hurd end user. Make comics stories under CC-BY-SA/ArtLibre, also gardening outside, recently intrigued by Oekonux
Manufactura Independente manufacturaind@identi.ca
Cavaco, Portugal
Libre graphics & design research studio.
Aymeric Mansoux 320x200@identi.ca
Dormant account, I moved to our new federated instance for discussion about net/computational/free/algorithmic art and culture. https://post.lurk.org/@320x200
José Oramas M. jaom7@identi.ca
Leuven, Belgium
openSUSE / KDE4 user Computer Engineering PreDoc Student. Hobbies (when not on the pc) : Music, Movies, Skateboarding and Bodyboarding