2013-04-17T14:12:45+00:00 To: Atheism, Public
ATHEIST Berlin: Parcels with atheist tape on them take 3 days longer to arrive and are more likely to get lost. http://ur1.ca/d6jwd !atheismArne Babenhauserheide likes this.
Arne Babenhauserheide, Arne Babenhauserheide, Teresa Horkheimer, Teresa Horkheimer shared this.
2013-03-07T08:54:35+00:00 To: Go Game Guru, Go, Public
2013-02-15T16:00:36+00:00 To: Science topics, Public
Mathias Brust makes a great plea for more debate in scientific literature. http://ur1.ca/ctgys We need more secondary reports in !science.2012-11-27T20:13:21+00:00 To: Gabriel Saldana, Identica Mode, Public
@gabrielsaldana What is the identica-scroll-mode (id-scroll) in #emacs !identicamode? I don't notice any difference when it's activated.2012-11-22T13:33:51+00:00 To: Public
Richard Dawkins & Ricky Gervais on Religion, full interview. http://ur1.ca/b8rkl !atheism2012-11-12T09:18:30+00:00 To: Science topics, Public
Femto-photography. #TED http://ur1.ca/9u7yl I want to see a video of a photon packet hitting a seemingly immobile flying bullet. !sciencevoted for "LibreOffice"
2012-11-04T18:13:50+00:00 To: identicats, Public
2012-06-16T10:52:02+00:00 To: Public
Give your life into the hands of #orgmode! http://ur1.ca/9ih58Bastien Guerry shared by Bastian at 2012-04-24T08:16:29+00:00 via api To: Public
Bastien Guerry shared by Bastian at 2012-04-24T08:16:29+00:00 To: Public
2012-04-19T22:46:40+00:00 To: Public
Richard #Dawkins vs Archbishop of Sydney George Pell on Australian show Q&A. What's up with the audience? http://ur1.ca/91iuy2012-04-18T10:50:51+00:00 To: Public
Support the campaign to stop #CISPA! http://ur1.ca/914172012-04-17T18:36:21+00:00 To: Public
#Math paper retracted although it might lead "to a new branch of mathematical science." http://ur1.ca/90yjv2012-04-08T00:45:21+00:00 To: Public
Just checked out writelatex.com. Easy, collaborative editing of #LaTeX docs in the browser (+ preview). Like PiratePad for LaTeX.2012-04-07T09:20:22+00:00 To: Public
Good documentary about Michael #Buback on 3Sat. http://ur1.ca/8yalw [German]2012-04-04T11:06:49+00:00 To: Public
Status update from my emacs with #identica-mode! http://ur1.ca/4bni6Evan Prodromou likes this.