barbara delollis barbdelollis@identi.ca
Judiciary Square, United States
Barbara edits/writes USA TODAY's Hotel Check-In blog when not touring/photographing new or renovated hotels.
Chicago hotel - Legionnaires outbreak
2012-09-02T18:39:27+00:00 To: Public
Fun photo gallery
2012-09-02T18:38:11+00:00 To: Public
2011-01-19T06:25:53+00:00 in Truxton Circle, Washington, D.C., United States To: Public
Open to idea of hotels helping ex-cons? One hotel employs three women convicted of murder under rehab program. http://usat.ly/g5242C2011-01-19T06:22:23+00:00 in Truxton Circle, Washington, D.C., United States To: Public
Gay couple in England wins discrimination suit against Christian hotel owners, who had denied them a room. http://usat.ly/eZQKQk2009-08-06T17:01:28+00:00 To: Public
Cute story: 15 things you can do while twitter is down! http://www.techcrunch.com/2009/05/08/twitter-is-down-15-alternative-things-to-do/2009-08-05T12:35:39+00:00 To: Public
Three Las Vegas hotels chase after a deal to host CBS series "Let's Make A Deal." http://cli.gs/yy0vuA2009-05-12T12:28:21+00:00 To: Public
Hanging out in the lobby of the Element Hotel near Baltimore Wash airport. About to interview the Starwood brand exec who oversees brand.2009-05-11T11:35:25+00:00 To: Public
Getting ready to post hotel wifi: Best and the Worst on Hotel Check-In....hotelcheckin.usatoday.com2009-05-11T11:31:14+00:00 To: Public
Hotel Check-In announces its May Guest Blogger. What questions do you have for him? Tell me: http://cli.gs/8zd3B5