bFree bfree@identi.ca
Godstone, United Kingdom
I'm a GNU/Linux-libre lover, and I like all about gnu-linux and software libre world :)
alicia viana at 2012-07-18T22:51:45+00:00
¡qué lindo YouTube con HTML5! fuera fucking Flash!!!! :DbFree likes this.
@maliciav En mi distro GNU/Linux y mi navegador me aparece "This video is currently unavailable" :(Gabriel Retana at 2012-02-29T18:26:23+00:00
Feliz primer cumpleaños al mejor buscador web DuckDuckGo ( http://duckduckgo.com/ )bFree, Macc Mardigann likes this.
Gatoso Oso, Gatoso Oso, bFree, bFree and 4 others shared this.
bFree at 2011-12-18T20:13:41+00:00
Memoria #USB #compatible con #GNU-Linux! #USB #stick #compatible with #GNU-Linux! http://ur1.ca/6ti1abFree likes this.
bFree at 2011-12-13T18:17:44+00:00
@gabrielsaldana:Hi!! here is in 'ogg' format: http://ur1.ca/6o2ao And here is the original source: http://ur1.ca/6atrdbFree likes this.
@carloscontreras thanks!!bFree at 2011-10-18T16:10:55+00:00
"Dar netbooks con windows es un retroceso": http://ur1.ca/5fnqmbFree likes this.
Alejandro Pando, Alejandro Pando shared this.
Audio: Entrevista a !rms: http://ur1.ca/5fnsvArjun Suresh Raji at 2011-09-21T17:24:46+00:00
Matlab people please try to use GNU Octave. Here is online document I am sharing. | http://goo.gl/MWQzV | #GNU #octave !gnu !octavebFree likes this.