Scott Wells bitb@identi.ca
Days at Sunlight Foundation. Nights and weekends with Christian Universalism in a Unitarian Universalist context, Esperanto.
John F Moore johnfmoore@identi.ca
Craddock, United States
Founder and CEO of The Lab. An open government strategist, consultant, and analyst. Part writer, speaker, and educator.
Joshua Gay joshuagay@identi.ca
New Haven, CT. USA.
I'm interested in free software & free textbooks. I live in New Haven, CT USA.
Nick Clark nrlucre@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Atty in DC, former educator, community artist; lover of pibbles, urbanism, seed saving, free software/ culture, the CoProduction Imperative
Free Culture DC freeculturedc@identi.ca
Washington, United States
Information policy and digital rights in the Washington, D.C. area
Michel Alexandre Salim hircus@identi.ca
Jakarta, Indonesia
Fedora contributor, FLOSS developer, programming paradigm aficionado, privacy advocate, researcher
Scott Sweeny ssweeny@identi.ca
Pittsburgh, United States
Software engineer from Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Opinions are my own, not those of my wife, employer, child, or pets. In fact there are few areas in which we agree.
Doug Whitfield Sports Account dougsportazine@identi.ca
Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
Former Editor-and-Chief of Sportazine.com (I am no longer involved in Sportazine in any way other than a few accounts still having sportazine in the name). Former adidas elite player and coach with Triangle Futbol Club. Former coach/official with i9 (soccer, basketball, baseball, gridiron). Former some other things... If sports aren't your thing, maybe one of my other projects is for you. Find out more at http://douglasawh.wordpress.com/2014/08/15/what-netizen-empowerment-federation-nef-and-its-constituent-sites-need/
Thomas Gideon cmdln@identi.ca
Washington, DC
A peculiar character. https://peculiarcharacter.com and https://thecommandline.net
John Eckman jeckman@identi.ca
Valentin Verdier valentin10@identi.ca
Hi, i live in Draveil near Paris in France. My principal hobbies are cinema, music, sport, going out, restaurants, internet, travels.
Appropedia.org appropedia@identi.ca
Global Village, India
Sharing Knowledge to Build Rich, Sustainable Lives. Practices & technology for green living and effective development. Most posts by Chris.
Philip Newborough corenominal@identi.ca
Lincoln, United Kingdom
The bodger of CrunchBang Linux. Interested in all things to do with code, design, GNU/Linux, faeries, pixies & robots.