2012-11-17T03:28:12+00:00 To: Public
http://ur1.ca/ayen0 Non-official #MozCamp Asia Lanyrd page, come to contribute (and be sure to install the WebApp from Firef2012-11-01T03:16:24+00:00 To: Public
"I personally think that using the brand for a lot of different products and activities is washing it out and make it stand for less" 多角化的問題2012-09-25T04:10:20+00:00 To: Public
Firefox OS UX http://ur1.ca/aeuub2012-09-24T10:34:23+00:00 To: Public
Mozilla Festival 2012 http://ping.fm/yv66v2012-09-24T09:22:56+00:00 To: Public
one ring to rule them all.2012-09-12T07:29:05+00:00 To: Public
"Because in the end, the only way you can control your destiny is to be a part of it." well said.2012-09-11T09:55:45+00:00 To: Public
That's so called social protocol, sometimes useful sometimes not.2012-08-04T09:14:05+00:00 To: Public
Personally, I'm not interesting in creating a fan-boy group.Mike Linksvayer likes this.
2012-07-31T04:05:29+00:00 To: Public
差不多接近了2012-07-31T03:59:00+00:00 To: Public
but… is that really make sense?2012-07-27T02:19:56+00:00 To: Public
"To put that in perspective, if you laid 3 billion add-ons side-by-side, they would go around the Earth 0 times"... XD2012-07-20T03:43:51+00:00 To: Public
不知道那些隱瞞跟檯面下的事情算不算2012-07-19T07:03:11+00:00 To: Public
"Browser not currently supported," welcome back to 2000, we worked really hard and nothing change.2012-07-19T13:40:38+00:00 To: Public
今日結論:手機廣告在台灣用酷手機,至於 Google 的比例就調低一點 XD2012-07-14T06:56:12+00:00 To: Public
You can still use ping.fm though its mobile interface.2012-04-18T15:14:57+00:00 To: Public
The FTUE of Rosetta Stone is awful... seems like you have to download the whole internet to run the course :/2012-04-17T17:45:32+00:00 To: Public
Why I translate articles? Just because I want to read them, deeply. "Share" is not the main reason, do things for yourself.2012-04-05T09:12:56+00:00 To: Public
Amazing, it should be.2012-04-05T02:16:13+00:00 To: Public
"That we are discussing this in public, for anyone to comment, is exactly what [--beep--] should be doing." (Quote someone in private channe2012-03-24T03:18:18+00:00 To: Public
http://ur1.ca/8sesj We will have #SeaMonkey with Traditional Chinese in 2.9! :D