Bernd brot@identi.ca
2013-05-21T16:54:56+00:00 To: Public
Working on a new coding dojo (KataPotter) during our monthly pyhton usergroup meeting #pyugat2013-05-11T14:44:55+00:00 To: Public
@astrid what does the yahoo acquisition mean? Will you close astrid.com and your Android app?2013-04-01T10:03:11+00:00 To: Public
I hate to read my RSS feeds on April 1. There are too much stupid april fool jokes out there2013-03-18T21:57:04+00:00 To: Public
Looking for a linux based "smtp proxy" which allows me to route to other smtp servers based on the sender mail address. Any ideas?2013-01-27T18:30:27+00:00 To: Public
2012-12-22T07:55:11+00:00 To: Public
Starting my way to the third #gpodder hack day http://is.gd/qEjM7Xvoted for "LibreOffice"
2012-12-09T16:18:12+00:00 To: identicats, Linux, Public
2012-12-08T07:15:30+00:00 To: Public
After Google stopped the updates for the #nexuss I switched to #cyanogenmod. I wonder if CM 10.1 is already usable on a daily bases?voted for "GNOME"
2012-12-07T15:28:10+00:00 To: T.U., Public
2012-11-30T09:31:32+00:00 To: Public
What's your opinion about #XSLT transformations for loading complex data from a database to another? #followerpower2012-11-18T20:31:30+00:00 To: Public
I attended the 2nd #gpodder hack day on Saturday. http://is.gd/EyvVeq I'm looking forward to the next in December2012-08-07T16:55:14+00:00 To: Public
Ah, siehe da, das #kickstarter Shadowrun Online Projekt hat es jetzt auch in "derstandard.at" geschafft. http://is.gd/NIeH8O2012-08-06T20:26:23+00:00 To: Public
For all #gamers out there. Only 8 days left on #kickstarter. They need more support to reach the goal for #shadowrun. http://is.gd/r0QJV62012-07-13T21:01:22+00:00 To: Public
Wednesday, 13th Juli 2012, 18:00 at !Metalab Vienna: Python User Group meetup http://ur1.ca/9rxlv !pyugat2012-07-11T21:20:15+00:00 To: Public
if you are on #twitter please follow #xabber (http://ur1.ca/9rjmw). If they reach 50k followers in a month they go #opensourceJean-Marc Liotier, Jean-Marc Liotier shared this.
2012-06-13T18:26:05+00:00 To: Public
ALT+F2 to start a command is "broken" in #unity. No tab completion in contrast to #gnomeshell where tab completion works very wellvoted for "ORACLE"
2012-06-08T17:22:08+00:00 To: Oracle, Linux, Public
2012-06-02T14:53:27+00:00 To: Public
I'm not allowed to report a bug for #ubuntu 12.04 without speaking to Support people? why?