Ben Rousch brousch@identi.ca
Grand Rapids, United States
Grand Rapids, West Michigan, Linux, Python, web dev, and Android are a few of my favorite things.
Craig Maloney at 2010-10-13T19:07:45+00:00
Watching companies fight over Java is like watching two elderly gents fight over a bingo chip. In the end, you just have grumpy old men.Ben Rousch likes this.
@snapl Grumpy, *RICH* old men.Greg Grossmeier at 2010-06-28T23:49:00+00:00
How many people at #CopyNightDC are nodding in agreement with @doctorow's critique of Apple are also tweeting via an iphone?Nandan, Renata Avila, Bruce Cowan, Ben Rousch and 2 others likes this.
Nandan, Nandan, Gavin Baker, Gavin Baker shared this.
Greg Grossmeier at 2010-06-17T18:29:26+00:00
♺ @joey: This about sums up the USA's energy policy: http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-june-16-2010/an-energy-independent-futureBen Rousch likes this.