Carl Foster cfoster@identi.ca
London, United Kingdom
Hello my name is Carl Foster (UK author) and I write articles on personal development and love and relationships.
Gerard Braad at 2011-07-25T03:34:15+00:00
@marjoleink this one looks so much like what I found in Yantai; I guess these are mass produced ;-)Carl Foster likes this.
Cédric Heintz at 2011-07-24T10:04:26+00:00
ah ça prend du temps, mais ça fait son travail....Carl Foster likes this.
ᕱᕳใᕲ࿈ ᔕᕈᖇᕱᗯᘂ ᔕᕳᕼᗝᘂᕱᖇ at 2011-07-24T10:03:52+00:00
Hmm, I'm signing off from #google+ because I use my google-acc also for work communication. Won't miss this network.Carl Foster likes this.
@acid Öhhh, no more Communications anymore? I mean in Google+gekka2094 at 2011-07-24T09:58:18+00:00
PCの異音の原因はすごく初歩的なミスで、グラボのファンに配線が干渉していたせいだった。Carl Foster likes this.