Chris Neugebauer, chair of North Bay Python, encourages you to Support Software Freedom Conservancy
Software Freedom Conservancy at
URL: https://sfconservancy.org/blog/2017/dec/23/neugebauer-supporter/
Chris Neugebauer, chair of North Bay Python, encourages you to Support Software Freedom Conservancy
by Bradley M. Kuhn on December 23, 2017
Earlier this month, Software Freedom Conservancy helped North Bay Python 2017 complete an excellent Python conference focused on Free and Open Source Software for Python. As with all our member projects, they succeed because of our excellent collaboration between volunteers and Conservancy staff to make sure all the work gets done right.
In this video, Christopher Neubaugher, conference chair of North Bay Python 2017 and a Conservancy Supporter, encourages you to become a Conservancy Supporter today. And, today's a great day to do it! Your donation will be doubled by our current match campaign.
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