csgeek "tux" nerd csgeek@identi.ca
Midwest City, United States
I do nerdy stuff, Linux, IT converted to developer
2013-04-28T03:13:19+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
Totally new to the group.. but I have to say... awesome name! http://b1t.it/dbpP2013-04-14T06:38:11+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
This is probably the coolest plugin i've seen for Vim in a while. https://github.com/terryma/... http://b1t.it/c7TQ2013-04-11T05:38:11+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
FYI. Might be of interest to some. http://b1t.it/c7pm2013-03-21T06:28:16+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
So, I went through the procedure of rooting my nexus 7 in order to see what the Ubuntu Touch was ... http://b1t.it/c2pV2013-01-28T08:48:52+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
Popular Science: Make Your Own DIY Solar Charger. http://goo.gl/mag/qTaV1To I think I might actua... http://b1t.it/cPcM2013-01-19T01:43:39+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
hey, you know what I really hate from windows? updates that force you to reboot no matter what. ... http://b1t.it/cL3q2013-01-18T21:24:08+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
Apparently eating this dish requires signing a consent form. http://b1t.it/cL0clol. I completely forgot I was using identi.ca. I had all my public posts forwarded over here. I almost had to reset my passwd2012-12-26T05:28:58+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
This is beyond creepy. Sorry 10 year old getting a machine gun just seems like... oh not the bes... http://b1t.it/cEmL2012-12-26T05:21:31+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
I just love the cutting edge graphics on this one. http://b1t.it/cEmJ2012-12-21T18:12:10+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
Get it? yah? http://b1t.it/cDmg2012-12-20T07:28:53+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
I'm not sure if anyone except me would find this useful, but: https://docs.google.com/open?i... http://b1t.it/cCLq2012-12-11T19:11:06+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
I created the Flourish Conference 'Community' on G+ if anyone is interested in joining. http://b1t.it/czL72012-12-07T11:56:38+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
So... yay community, a google+ Page on drugs? http://b1t.it/cynK2012-11-16T19:19:09+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
Looks interesting http://b1t.it/cq4Y2012-11-16T03:04:17+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
I really do want to support +ZaReason and +System76 , but is there a reason why the same configu... http://b1t.it/cqMSvoted for "No"
2012-09-27T22:49:24+00:00 To: identicats, Public
2012-09-06T21:18:33+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
This is a really superficial comparison...but since I'm mainly concerned with screen size rea... http://b1t.it/b2EZ2012-08-17T19:59:13+00:00 in Midwest City, Oklahoma, United States To: Public
What's the size limit of a circle? I keep trying to add some peeps to a circle and it keeps f... http://b1t.it/bWgI