CTAN Announcements ctanannounce@identi.ca
Comprehensive TeX Archive Network announcements. --- The TeX lion appears courtesy of Duane Bibby.
Haruhi Suzimiya haruhisuzimiya@identi.ca
Werouzach, Austria
Geboren am 4.2.1974 in Klagenfurt /Österreich. Ich mag RPG, Minecraft ec. und bin Anime- wie auch Volksmusik Fan. In meiner Freizeit mache s
Damon Haley vinylisl@identi.ca
Lafayette, United States
Colorado-based FOSS infrastructure engineer specializing in Drupal with a passion for emacs, Debian and vinyl records.
Octavio Sánchez netzsooc@identi.ca
Barcelona, Spain
Student, I like opinion mining, knowledge management and discovery. I am a mexican linux user and Open Source supporter.
frakturfreak frakturfreak@identi.ca
Ich nutze das lange ſ: http://is.gd/fIur9 Intereſſen: Fraktur, Spielkarten, Neo-Taſtaturlayout, Politik. Meine Tweets ſind cc-by-sa-3.0-de
Jason Riedy jasonriedy@identi.ca
East Point, United States
Researcher in social network analysis / numerical methods / parallel computing. Terminally distracted.