Deploying to postgres here isn't the problem in this case, upgrading is, and the problem presented isn't a huge one, but it's the type of thing that makes keeping deployments running hard.
This year on one debian stable server, I did an upgrade from apt and found it needed me to manually convert my databases from one version to the other. This happened during that "important info" text stage that is tempting to just skip over while doing an apt-get upgrade, but it gave me some really nice steps that were easy to follow. I could still run the old version of the database, no problem. But it took me a couple months to actually upgrade to the new version because I was afraid I would do the wrong thing in the manual upgrade.
Similarly I saw such a prompt to upgrade my local laptop postgres a couple weeks ago on Debian Testing, this one a different upgrade. I think it suggested I dump my db then reimport it.
These are not terribly hard things to do if you know how to navigate the command line, but just as I don't like that users have to know how to run "./bin/gmg dbupdate", I wish users did not know how to upgrade the postgres they depend on either.
It's not a criticism, it's a thought on one thing that makes deployment hard.