Christopher Allan Webber cwebber@identi.ca
Madison, United States
GNU MediaGoblin founder, former Creative Commons software engineer, python hacker, free software enthusiast, maker of weird drawings See: http://dustycloud.org/ (Any pronouns are okay.)
Ian Kelling iank@pump.iankelling.org
Sysadmin at FSF. https://www.fsf.org/about/staff-and-board https://iankelling.org
The Anarcat anarcat@identi.ca
Sysadmin, programmer, geek-of-all-trades, ex-philosopher, ex-musician, future-writer? future-hasbeen?
Randy Noseworthy randynose@identi.ca
Greater Cleveland, Oh Area..
Linux Mint, FOSS, Podcasting, Open Source, Food, People, Geek, Techie, Trucker... Widower.
Ike heluecht@identi.ca
Da hotpump.net schon seit mehreren Wochen down ist, wird das hier jetzt zu meinem primären pump.io-Account. Sollte dieser Server dann auch mal für längere Zeit down sein, wird pump.io für mich Geschichte sein. Wer mich zuverlässig lesen möchte, kann mich von Friendica, Diaspora, GNU Social Hubzilla und Mastodon über die Adresse heluecht@pirati.ca erreichen.
clacke@libranet.de ❌ clacke@datamost.com
Sweden or Hong Kong
Saving the world by solving first-world problems. My main is at https://libranet.de/profile/clacke .
JanKusanagi jankusanagi@datamost.com
Jabberia and the Pumpiverse
Developer of the Dianara pump.io client. Mageia GNU/Linux + KDE Plasma user. I also use Debian GNU/Linux and Archlinux. Jabber/XMPP chatter, Pumper, C/C++/Qt coder. Pump.io User Guide: https://pumpio.readthedocs.io/en/latest/userguide.html DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed here are those of my next door neighbor.
ParticleNews ParticleNews@hub.polari.us
The Global Community of Particle Physics
This account brings you hot items from public particle physics news sources, including CERN, SymmetryMagazine.org, and Interactions.org.
Daniel Koć kocio@identi.ca
Warsaw, Poland
FLOSS and free culture enthusiast. Former LinuxNews.pl newsman, Wikimedia and OpenStreetMap editor, Fundacja Nowoczesna Polska ( http://mdrn.pl ) volunteer.
silverwizard silverwizard@microca.st