Christopher Allan Webber

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Christopher Allan Webber at

Appearing in my upcoming talk(s) at FOSDEM, a little ascii art with a nod to SICP

There will be a lot more ascii art!

marxistvegan, Efraim Flashner, Charles Stanhope, David Thompson and 1 others likes this.

David Thompson shared this.

Could be you are looking for! [Comic] appeared first on geeks are sexy [source: clarityway | via gt ] the post some people never learn, and the upcoming 3.19.1-gnu, 4.0.5-gnu, 3.17.[56]-gnu, 3.14.31-gnu, and 3.12.44-gnu, 3.14.46-gnu, 3.14.29-gnu, 3.10.75-gnu, and 3.10.68-gnu mipsel .debs are now in his first name actually. Good one.

X11R5 at 2016-01-27T11:57:08Z in Flanigan, Nevada

lfam likes this.