Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

The MediaGoblin campaign video has taken a week longer than I expected, which is actually expected. I need a boss to remind me that the goals I take take $tasklen * $pi longer than I think they will. ;)

The good news, in two parts: 1) all animations and stuff are done, and it'll be ready in time for my FOSDEM presentation. Audience of my "road ahead for network freedom" get an early preview! All that's left now is to do the screenshots and screencasts to get integrated. 2) It looks awesome. I'm really proud of this. I've killed my back and barely slept and stressed to all hell, but it looks great and I think is worth it. (I'm not sure I'll ever do this again though, seriously, owch.)

Let's hope the time investment in this is worth it to get people excited to continue funding mediagoblin... and to care about the issues discussed!

It should be done by tomorrow though... If I'm crazy, maybe possibly even tonight??? Back to work, self! cracks whip

Sean Tilley likes this.

I can't wait to see it!! :-) I'll certainly help out with the funding this year again!

sazius at 2014-01-25T20:29:40Z

X11R5, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

"I need a boss to remind me that the goals I take take $tasklen * $pi longer than I think they will."

orgmode doesn't do that? ;)

Mike Linksvayer at 2014-01-25T21:28:59Z

sazius, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.