cwebber's meta-federation rule
On any federated system with less than a million users, a minimum of one fifth of communication federated through the network will be discussions or debates over communication federating through the network. ❌, Charles Stanhope, ostfriesenmärz, McClane and 4 others likes this.
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Also, tests to verify that said federation works, or demonstrating to someone that it does xD
JanKusanagi at 2017-04-29T22:40:11Z
Christopher Allan Webber likes this.
As the federated system grows to more than a million users, its content becomes less interesting to me and I find the next p2p hipster hangout.
Maybe the next one will be truly peer to peer :)
Christopher Allan Webber at 2017-05-02T04:26:20Z ❌ likes this.