Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

I've been thinking of writing a blogpost: "Surviving the Worse is Better of metadata: JSON-LD as the Clojure of linked data" ❌ likes this. I really enjoy turtle.. Other than I keep forgetting of it's sparql or turtle where prefix ends in a .

Diane Trout at 2017-05-24T15:42:37Z

I've heard some groaning about why JSON-LD, why not just go with XML if one wants namespaces and extensibility.

I don't have a good answer except people don't like angle brackets, they like square brackets, and JSON is more structured than XML is when you don't have a schema for it. ❌ at 2017-05-24T16:35:08Z

I for one would like to learn more about JSON-LD, so I'd love to read such a blog post, if you've the time to write it up.

Screwtape at 2017-05-25T01:51:58Z