Christopher Allan Webber

Christopher Allan Webber at

I donated to KeeperRL at the Goblin Level, which seemed appropriate. Free software dungeon-keeper/dwarf-fortress-like roguelike. What's not to like?

Andrew E, sazius likes this.

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the core game + ascii graphics is going to be free software! i just donated $20, and promised another $50 if the artwork is made free!

Andrew E at 2014-04-10T19:30:21Z

jrobb, Christopher Allan Webber likes this.

it turns out he licensed the art from someone else, so that art can't be free. but maybe opengameart will find its way in. :-)

Andrew E at 2014-04-10T21:30:43Z

I've been thinking that most of those tiles can be replaced with ones from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup.

Christopher Allan Webber at 2014-04-11T01:14:41Z

there's also the DawnLike tileset. i'm not sure how wide they need to be, but that one's 16x16 px.

Andrew E at 2014-04-11T01:21:46Z