C wie Zebra cwiezebra@identi.ca

Vienna, Austria

Studying Computer Science. Working for the Student Union. Playing with virtual Mice.


  • /bin - basisgruppe informatik diebin@identi.ca

    Die /bin ist eine basisdemokratisch Gruppe, die in anti-hierarchischer Weise versucht kritische und emanzipatorische Politik zu machen.

  • jackie / Andrea Ida Malkah Klaura jackieklaura@identi.ca

    Vienna, Austria

    Scattered identity somewhere between Science & Technology Studies, Informatics/Computer Science and Education.

  • Martha Testovich marthatestovich@identi.ca

    Vienna, Austria

    ..doing this, doing that.. | sometimes into geeky computer stuff, sometimes more into theories about technoscience | technofeminist attitude

  • Rosa Antifa Wien rosaantifawien@identi.ca

    ★ Rosa Antifa Wien ★