2012-04-23T15:31:58+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Finally (!!!) released the first album I did as Tether in a proper version that doesn't sound awful! http://is.gd/Ku2fMT2012-03-04T15:21:38+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Files are easier than media so purchasing music online is a valid option, but my film collection is also files so why can't I purchase them?2012-01-13T01:17:23+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Dubstep is the new Hip Hop, allowing anyone with a copy of Live to create the same copy-paste "hit" of the day as last week's contender.2012-01-12T17:57:46+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
What's wrong with game stores?! "75% off!"; go to store: 23% off.... "Get game free only today!"; go to store: if purchase for over $xxx...2012-01-09T21:17:04+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
I like that "Knowing" has a POV Carmageddon-like clip in it's train accident scene. All it needs is a score HUD.2012-01-05T20:49:09+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Wait, what? £200 or $260 for an obsolete Mac Mini PowerPC? That much for a no longer supported system?! Why?2011-12-29T22:21:46+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Playing Deus EX:HR. Waking up in a body I and most others resent, my love dead and our dog gone... I never asked for this.2011-12-25T02:34:23+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Is it wrong that I only see Rosemary's Baby as the classic tale of the beauty learning to love the beast?2011-12-13T19:08:27+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Why is there porn all over Diaspora? Just started, no friends yet, but porn is default? ...at least ask first.2011-12-08T07:11:37+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
I love my new coffee robot! It's clever enough to do what I want and stupid enough to do it right. Perfect.2011-10-22T10:37:08+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker (Сталкер) is available for free on Google video! http://is.gd/1Ob0fc2011-10-22T14:33:17+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Does anyone know how to stop the menubar flashing on and off when changing windows in Ubuntu 11.10? It's making me reconsider gnome-shell :(2011-09-23T21:42:08+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Oooh... Desura on Linux is nice!!!2011-09-23T13:57:28+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
"Amphetaminefield": Word of the day. Thanks, Alan Moore.2011-07-14T22:14:15+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Ah... Gremlins Book and Record - Book 1: http://is.gd/z4mQSf2011-07-14T19:51:06+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
Being self-aware is nothing special. Being aware of your "mortality" is.2011-07-12T12:18:21+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
http://is.gd/XHGAyK - so in 2029 either the resistance against SkyNET wins or we all die from an asteroid impack. That's nice :)2011-06-30T23:45:36+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
I wasn't at all interested in the new "The Three Musketeers" film, but then I saw the air ships... Now that's just cheating.2011-06-25T16:19:28+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public
I'd really like buy Batman Arkham Asylum, but I know the game won't let me save unless it's running in Windows.Why don't you want my money?2011-06-23T22:27:45+00:00 in Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark via Gwibber To: Public