Dabo daboblog@identi.ca
Working in: /* @apache_ctl and http://davidhernandez.es */ Education: Hacker Culture & @debianhackers, @daboweb
Kate J Davis eutouring@identi.ca
Clacton-on-Sea, United Kingdom
http://www.eutouring.com Kate Davis - European traveller and author of travel to guides to Paris holidays for a holiday in Paris.
PuppetMast3r PuppetMast3r@pumpdog.me
manukleart manukleart@pumpdog.me
i am on air trying to do ecomarketing
http://www.manukleart.com ; http://www.theplanetaryclub.com ; http://www.planetary.be ; http://www.floor.cat ; Searching a professional team to develope sustainable non-profit projects baseds in Neoequality and Ecosuficience. Neoequality means there are four parts in the planet: Persons, Nature (animals, plants, enviroments), Workers and Companies, and all of them are equals. Ecosuficience means autoemployment, autogestion, autosuficience in the best ecoway as possible.
Miguel Ángel mangel@identi.ca
Burgos, Spain
Arquitecto técnico, agricultor y aficionado al software libre. Usuario de Debian Gnu/linux. https://n-1.cc/pg/profile/mangel
Miguel Ángel Ordóñez Moya miguelangelordonez@identi.ca
Me gusta Gnu/Debian, la ecología, la filosofía y la economía a escala humana. Fan del Software libre y del conocimiento en abierto. GNU social quitter.se/finonils diaspora* miguemoya@diasp.eu
Maxwell Draven ravenman@identi.ca
Strelsau, Ruritania
I'm a FLOSS enthusiast with an interest in artificial intelligence, robotics and systems administration
Pablo Bernardo voylinux@identi.ca
Palma de Mallorca, Spain
PHP developer , Zen student and Martial artist ( not always in the same order )