dashlet dashlet@identi.ca
Austin, United States
Best supporting actress in a comedic drama (documentary). You want me on your dodgeball team.
2012-07-08T14:40:16+00:00 via web To: Public
Donut Taco Palace is exactly what it sounds like.2012-07-06T06:07:46+00:00 via web To: Public
In closing: goats, and hello. Boy, I really added to the conversation tonight. I'll try harder next time.2012-07-06T05:47:01+00:00 via web To: Public
New Yorkers, Angelinos, most of Canada's southeastern seaboard, and Londoners excluded, of course.2012-07-06T05:45:09+00:00 via web To: Public
To anyone out there - how hard would it be for you to find a goat? You don't have take it, just find one. Who is goat-impoverished?2012-07-06T05:21:11+00:00 via web To: Public
For the record: goats are my kind of people.2012-07-06T05:09:33+00:00 via web To: Public
Short version: in Austin, working at theater, hitching to mr. Law next month, landed suburban landed gentry scum, not a mad scientist.It's still cool but a lot of places are gone/different and roads can't handle traffic. Good locals get zen or get out of town.2012-07-06T04:52:56+00:00 via web To: Stav Prodromou, Public
I knew @stav was coming back on the horizon, I had an unruly Stavrula at work last week.Evan Prodromou, Stav Prodromou likes this.
2012-07-06T04:46:59+00:00 via web To: Public
Omg this is different and awesome I hope I'm not doing it wrong I feel naked give me a towel pleaseEvan Prodromou likes this.
2012-07-06T04:45:24+00:00 via web To: Public
I'm web portaling in , what's the new iPhone hotness please?Yeah, so, there was a thing. #comingsoon2012-07-06T04:42:33+00:00 via web To: Public
Come on, of you knew ANYTHING about me, you'd know I'm an #amishrakefight sort of girl first and foremost.2012-07-06T04:40:01+00:00 via web To: Public
...probably through the same avenues that bring me to listening Yes when I'm wasted, I'm sure.2012-07-06T04:38:20+00:00 via web To: Public
Someone please remind me how I ended up subscribed to #bulgariansexhockey I AM DYING TO KNOWYou were trying to subscribe to #romaniansexhockey and accidentally hit the wrong button.2012-07-06T04:08:23+00:00 via web To: Public
Hello you lovely monsters, I miss you all! I have no excuses. Well, a few, they're lame, I'll spare you.2012-07-06T04:06:18+00:00 via web To: Stav Prodromou, Public
I did. We missed you. How have you been? I have to tell you I still !listen to Jonathan Coulton, thanks to you http://ur1.ca/9qjypStav Prodromou at 2012-07-06T15:46:58+00:00
dashlet likes this.
2011-05-08T08:55:32+00:00 via web To: Public
ba dee ba dee mow mow hoo zeh weee bop bahwhee dee deedly bop #scatalong2011-04-15T08:38:05+00:00 via web To: Public
so pleased with ourselves for using so many verbs and nouns #singalong@dashlet hi-five, singalong buddy!2011-04-13T08:23:38+00:00 via web To: Public
Good night, Gracie!@dashlet Oh, thank god. The suspense was KILLING ME2011-04-13T08:22:22+00:00 via web To: Public
Say Goodnight Gracie...2011-04-13T07:39:50+00:00 via web To: Public
WTF is nossing? it sounds like brunch through a bendy straw.joshix likes this.
@dashlet Well if I drink it any other way it gets bourbon all in my mustache.2011-04-13T07:28:40+00:00 via web To: Public
Goddamn you 2:30 am, I know your nasty tricks...