David Thompson

David Thompson at

how to git: rebase often, merge rarely.  linear history is best history.

ben, Charles Stanhope, XRevan86 likes this.

This can be a good approach regardless of what VCS you are using.

Charles Stanhope at 2014-12-10T21:13:14Z

X11R5 likes this.

Care about the shape of your history, but don't let it shadow each new day. Reject orthodoxies but trust in types (unless that seems too orthodox).

As long as a DAG isn't cyclic, it's doing its job, no matter its shape.

joeyh at 2014-12-10T21:41:09Z

cmhobbs, Douglas Perkins, David Thompson, Charles Stanhope and 1 others likes this.

and commit often so you can usefully bisect

David "Judah's Shadow" Blue at 2014-12-11T21:34:27Z

Charles Stanhope likes this.