Sean Tilley

Sean Tilley at

Hubzilla - Content Management and Templating


Progress on customizing my personal site. There's a lot of neat things you can do with the platform's built-in templating system, which makes use of blocks, regions, widgets, and variables. If this sounds familiar, that's because one aspect of this platform involves templating and page-building. In a way, #Hubzilla maintains some capabilities of a Drupal-like Content Management System. There's a lot of uncharted territory here still, so it will be fun exploring different ways to extend page layouts.

Pages primarily conform to Layouts, which hold Blocks in different Regions. Blocks can be custom-written bits of template that are either already present in Hubzilla, or available in a theme or a plugin.

For me, my design goal is to play with a clear visual break between what a guest user sees, and what the logged-in user sees. Different features within Hubzilla can be given alternative layouts, allowing the platform to be used in a number of different ways.

Learn more about Hubzilla pages and templating here.